seventeen: not the original plan

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Jake arrived at the place they had decided upon, the next day, and a few leaves crumpled beneath his feet as he looked around. There was not a single person there. 

He had come late, the bell could ring any minute now, signalling the resumption of classes. 

"Um, Jake?" A voice sounded, catching Jake's attention. 


The said girl stepped out from behind a tree. "Sorry I just didn't want to get caught if anyone else came here. Hi, by the way." 

Jake's eyes twinkled as he smiled at her. "Hi Yunhyo, it's nice to finally meet you." 

"Likewise, you're more handsome in real life." She gave him a cheeky smile and brought her hand forward, asking for a hand shake. 

The bell rang.

She looked at him frantically, her hand still raised. 

He quickly held her hand and started running, startling the living hell out of Yunhyo.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing? Where are you going, we have classes." She screamed while being dragged in speed. 

"Not anymore!" Jake giggled. They had reached the back gate at the fence, reserved only for the chefs and workers of the school canteen. 

"Jake we can't use that." She said sternly. 

"Sure we can." Jake flung open the door and pushed Yunhyo out, slipping out himself before anyone could spot them. 

He ran again, now on the road outside the school, Yunhyo scurrying behind him. They were both panting but Jake only stopped when he arrived at the bike parking. 

Where you can rent bikes and pay online. 

"Jake are you fucking crazy? We are missing class!" She yelled at him, still in shock. 

"Yes that's exactly what we're doing. This wasn't preplanned incase you're thinking if I'm kidnapping you. I came late and I wanted to spend some more time with you. So..."

"So you ran from school? What if someone sees us?" 

"Will you please calm down Yunhyo? No one is going to catch us, now come on." Jake said, climbing a bike. 

Yunhyo got hold of one bike for herself, huffing in annoyance knowing if she doesn't follow him, she'll get caught. 

"Now come on I have something nice to show you." 

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