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"Hey mom, what is this list I found?" Four year old you asked as you walked towards your mom holding a notebook.

Your mom's eyes widened in recognition before giving you a soft smile.

"That list showed me that your father is the right guy for me." She said as she picked up and placed you on her lap.

"Huh? What do you mean?" You asked curiously as your toddler brain tried to figure out how a notebook got your mom married to your dad.

Your mom laughed at the curious face you made before explaining.

"A long time ago, my mom, your grandmother, told me to make a list of how I want my future husband to be. I needed to write down how I wanted him to act, look, talk, and treat me. She said that when I find a man with all that qualities, or 99% of it, I can marry him."

"Woah." You said, your eyes sparkling as you opened the notebook.

"See, whenever your dad did something that matches my list, I ticked it off." She explained as she pointed at the ticks beside each of the qualities.

"Can I write a list too?" You asked excitedly.

"Hm, I'd say you are a little too young but oh well, it won't hurt to give it a shot." Your mom shrugged.

You jumped up and down excitedly as your mom stood up and took a pretty notebook off from the shelf.

"Here you go, I will be back to check on your list." Your mom smiled as she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

You grabbed a color pencil and started writing away in your messy handwriting.

After a few minutes, you jumped up and ran to your mom.

"Mom mom, look! I finished my list!" You said as you gave her your notebook.

On it was 5 qualities in a messy handwriting:
1. Funny
2. Kind
3. Strong
4. Smart
5. A hero

Your mom let out a small giggle, earning a frown from you.

"Moooommmm, it's not funny!" You said, pouting a little.

"I'm sorry sweetie, it's a very cute list." Your mom said honestly, earning a smile from you. "But the list isn't finished yet."

"What do you mean? I have all the qualities I want written down!" You said in confusion.

"The qualities that you want now. When you grow older, you will add more onto this list." Your mom explained.

"Ohhhhh, so I just keep the notebook with me and write something whenever?" You asked.

"Exactly, now how about we cook lunch together?" Your mom said, smiling at you.

"Okay!" You said, smiling as you grabbed the kid-size apron hanging nearby.

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now