13. Takes care of me

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You let out a loud sneeze, earning a jump from Scooby.

"Sorry boy, but I think I'm coming down with a cold." You said as you wiped your nose with a tissue.

You didn't get sick that often so you were surprised when you woke of with a fever of 37.7°C and a runny nose.

On the bright side, that meant no work for today.

At that moment, your phone rang.

Incoming Call
Birdy <3

"Hello?" You said as you picked up your phone.

"Hey Angel! I was just wondering if you are free for dinner tonight? There is this new restaurant downtown and the food looks great." Hawks voice said.

"Sorry Kei, but I think I came down with a cold." You apologized.


"STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, THIS DEVOTED BOYFRIEND OF YOURS IS GOING TO GET YOU MEDICINE AND SOUP." Hawks said, you could hear wind on his side meaning that he had took off flying.

"H-Hey wait, you don't have to do that, I'm perfectly fi-" You started to say only to be cut off by Hawks.

"DON'T WORRY ANGEL, I WILL BE THERE IN A BLINK OF AN EYE!" Hawks said before hanging up.

Sure enough, Hawks was soon in your apartment fussing over you like a mother hen.

"You are burning up! Why didn't you tell me that you weren't feeling well?" Hawks asked.

"I didn't want to bother you, plus, you are busy working." You explained. God, your voice sounded hoarse.

"Bother me? Angel, you aren't bothering me. You are important to me and I will take care of you." He said as he placed a blanket over you. "Wait right here, I will get your soup heated up."

You smiled as you watched Hawks ran to your kitchen, almost slipping and falling in the process because of his socks.

He was literally the most perfect man in the world.

Few minutes later he was back with a piping hot bowl of chicken soup.

"Here," He said as he blew on your soup and holding up the spoon, "Be careful."

You felt your heart beat faster as you watched as Hawks concentrated on feeding you, what god did you pleased to make them bless you with this man?

Before you knew it, you had finished the bowl of soup.

"I will go and wash the bowl, just stay here and rest." He said as he walked off to the kitchen.

You smiled at him before dozing off.


It has been a day, and yet you showed no sign of recovery.

Hawks was getting worried, you could tell based off his concern expressions whenever you said you didn't felt better every morning.

This is one strong flu bug.

"Kei, babe, how about you go off and work." You said, weakly pushing him towards the balcony window but he didn't move an inch.

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now