1. Funny

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You sighed as you look at the crying sky. The weather forecast didn't say anything about rain today.

"I'd hate to get my new shoes wet." You muttered yourself as you held your work bag over your head as ran from your office building to home.

All around you, people of all kinds were running around, clearly everyone was in the same predicament as you.

From the corner of your eye, you saw a couple, one with an invisible shield quirk, walking calmly in the rain together.

How you wish you have a quirk of some sort to prevent the rain from ruining your clothes.

As you ran, a sudden movement from an alley caught your eye. It was a puppy, only a few months old, trying to squeeze under a dumpster to shelter itself from the rain.

Your heart melted at the sight of it.

"Hey there bud." You whispered as you kneeled down, forgetting about the rain.

The puppy whimpered in respond as it backed away from you.

It was quite big for a puppy, it will definitely grow to be a big dog.

Your mind went through the list of rules from the apartment you lived in, none of them objected against having a pet. Hell, your neighbor has a cat.

"I'm taking you back with me." You said gently as you picked the puppy up and hid it in your work jacket.

It felt nice to have something warm on your chest as you ran back in the cold rain.

You sighed in relief as you approached the floor where your apartment resides.

"I'm so gonna give you a warm bath and feed you some food, you look like you haven't eaten for days." You said as you petted the puppy on the head, frowning at how skinny it was. "Tomorrow I will definitely bring you to the vet." You said as you walked towards your door.

There, lo and behold, lay a man with bright red wings, lying on your doormat.

"Uh, sir? Get off my stuff." You frowned as you nudged the man with your feet.

The man moved and you noticed there was a small patch of red on the sleeve of his jacket.

"Oh shit, uh." You said, your mind blanking.

The puppy jumped out of your arms and scratched the door, robotically you opened it and slowly dragged the man inside. You lifted up his sleeve and sighed in relief, it was just a cut, that's all.

Upon closer look, you noticed it was the Pro Hero Hawks.

You panicked.

"Fuck! Now he is going to think I am some crazy fangirl!" You muttered as you paced back and forth. "Focus Y/N! First thing first, let's take care of his wound before we plan our explanation." You said as you gave yourself a firm slap. The puppy tilted its head in concern as it watched your antics.

You carried Hawks to your couch and lay him down before getting your first aid kit.

His cut was quite deep, but otherwise he was okay. You noticed some bruises here and there but he seemed fine.

Once everything was settled, you brought the puppy to your bathroom to washed it up.

40 minutes later, you crashed onto your bed, this was way more exhausting then you expected.

You passed out from exhaustion a few seconds later.

The next day, you woke up at 8:30am, you sat up in panic, thinking you were late for work before remembering it was Saturday.

"Thank god." You said as you got up and went to the kitchen to make coffee with the puppy right on your heels.

A groan in your living room caught your attention and you warily peeked in before spotting Hawks, still asleep, on your couch.

"HOLY SHIT!" You yelled, before remembering yesterday's events.

Unfortunately, your yell woke him up and he fell off your couch.

"What the hell?" He mumbled groggily as he sat up and looked around.

He saw a nicely decorated living room, a puppy licking his hand, and a woman still trying to catch her breath.

"Who are you?" He said hesitantly.

"Someone who clearly needs a cup of coffee." You said as you grabbed a cup and went back to your kitchen.

"That doesn't answer my question." He said warily as he followed you.

"I'm Y/N L/N, and I would like to know how the hell you ended up on my doormat last night." You said as you turned on the coffee machine.

"Huh? But I thought I went home last night..." Hawks muttered as he looked out the window and facepalmed. "Fuck, this is the wrong block."

"Yea, no shit sherlock, coffee?" You asked.

"Yes please." He said as he sat down. "You know, I thought you were some crazy fangirl for a moment there." He admitted.

"Unfortunately, no." You said as you poured a cup of coffee and handed it to him." 

"Thanks, you are my angel." He said, the look in his eyes told you he was ready to bow down in front of you and worship you when he drank the coffee.

"No problem, I also patched up some of your wound so you should be good to go." You explained.

Hawks look down on his arm and sure enough, there was a bandage on it.

"I can get you a voucher that gives you free chicken for a lifetime." He said.

You laughed. "There is no need for that." You said.

The whining of the puppy caught both of your attention and you picked it up.

"Right, you need to go to the vet today." You said.

"I could walk you there, is the least I can do as thanks." Hawks offered.

"No need, I'm perfectly fine going by my own. Plus, don't you have work to do?" You asked.

"Shit, you're right!" He said as he grabbed his jacket.  "Thanks again for not killing me or whatever!" He said as he opened your balcony sliding door.

His remark made you laugh as you prepared breakfast.

"He's quite funny." 

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