4. Smart

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Let's face it, you aren't the smartest of people.

Hence, why you are at a coffee shop, trying to figure out what the hell this paperwork is talking about.

It was already getting late and you had wasted your time watching a man with long hair and clearly not enough sleep failing in trying to flirt with the barista. It was cute though.

You silently hit your head against the table, if only Akio was here, she would have finished this in no time.

At that very moment, the coffee shop door dinged and a girl yelped in shock.

You looked up and saw Hawks himself walking in and taking the seat opposite you.

"Hawks?" You said, clearly confused.

"Heyo, I was passing by and saw you banging your head on the table so I came in to see what's wrong." He explained.

"Paperwork, that's what's wrong." You said, gesturing to the papers laid out in front of you.

"Damn, you're working in the finance department?" He asked as he picked up a piece of paper and examined it.

"Yeap, sometimes I wonder why I decided to work there." You said as you gently banged your head on the table again.

You suddenly felt something soft underneath and paused, Hawks had put his hand underneath to prevent you from hitting your head again.

"Stop that, you don't want to get a bruise." He said, frowning slightly.

"Finee." You grumbled as you emptied out the last of your coffee.

He chuckled and glanced at the paperwork. "I could explain it to you if you want." He offered.

"You can?!" You said, your eyes sparkling. Hawks felt an arrow hit his heart.

"Y-yea, sure! I'm pretty smart you know." He said, winking at you to which you rolled your eyes again.

"Thanks, this means a lot." You said as you grabbed some paperwork for him to explain.

A few hours later and a lot of talking, you had finally got your work done.

"Finally! Thanks a lot Hawks!" You said, smiling at him.

"It's nothing." He assured you as he walked you out of the coffee shop.

"Thanks again Hawks! I owe you one!" You said as you waved and jogged off down the street.

"He's really smart." You thought to yourself.

Hawks smiled and waved until you disappeared around the corner. Then he turned around to the nearest wall and gently banged his head against it, his face was as red as tomato.

"What's the matter with you? Snap out of it you idiot!" He muttered to himself.

Ever since he met you, he couldn't stop thinking about you. At first he thought it was because he felt indebted towards you for helping him. Hence, him being on your balcony at 5 something in the morning with goodies that he intended to leave there but instead got invited into your apartment.

But for the rest of the day, he couldn't get you out of his mind, so, he bought supplies you might need for your new puppy.

When that didn't work, he was distracted as hell throughout his patrols, Endeavour had hit the top of his head when he walked into a pole while patrolling.

He only broke out of his trance when he heard you yelled when the criminal picked you up. His instincts took over and he flew to the scene to see you struggling against the robber. He felt the intense need to protect you.

Saving you was the biggest relief in his life, which was odd because he had done stuff like this many times but he didn't feel anything like that.

And now, here he is, willingly helping you with your paperwork. Something he never really did.

"That's it, she must have some sort of aphroditic quirk! That must be why I'm like this!" He said.

"Tomorrow, I will tell her she has to stop using her quirk on me."

Meanwhile, you lay down on the couch, with Scooby lying on your stomach.

"You know, Hawks is a really nice guy. Now I understand why he is the No.2 Pro Hero." You said to Scooby, who wasn't really paying attention.

"But I don't think he goes out of the way to help a normal civilian like me, right?" You said to yourself.

Sweeties, the both of you are stupid. Please just connect the dots- 

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