5. A hero

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Hawks had a purpose that day.

Find you, and tell you to stop using the quirk you never had in the first place.

You had a purpose that day too, buy a new flavor of waffles in that waffle shop nearby your office.

When you and Akio heard about it, the both of you literally drooled at the photos of the waffles on their facebook page.

And here the both of you were, lining up to get in.

The waffle shop was very popular, so it was no surprise to see there was a huge line.

"For waffles!" The both of you cheered as you got into line to get the waffles.

As the both of you chatted, Hawks spotted you and crossed the street to you, earning a gasp from your friend. You hadn't notice as your back was turned to him as you scrolled through your phone.

"Y/N." She said, nudging your shoulder.

"Not now, this video is interesting." You said as you continued watching the video on your phone.

"Y/N." She said again, this time with more urgency in her voice.

"What? Did the waffles sold out?" You asked, finally looking up.

"No, behind you." Akio said, pointing to Hawks.

You turned around a gave a yelp of surprise.

"Jeez Hawks! Don't scare me like that!" You said.

"We need to talk." He frowned.

"But my waffles." You whined.

"Go ahead Y/N, I will keep your spot." Your friend urged, smirking a bit.

You sighed and looked at Hawks. "Well?" You asked.

"Pardon me." He said before picking you up and flying to the roof of a nearby building.

"HAWKS! WHAT THE HELL!" You yelled in shock.

Hawks landed on the building and placed you down. You staggered for a bit and tried to calm your beating heart.

"What the hell dude? Give a warning next time!" You said.

"We need to talk about something serious." Hawks said. You looked at his face, he meant buisness.

"What is it?" You asked nervously.

"You need to stop using your quirk." He said.

"W-what quirk?" You said, getting more and more confused by the second.

"Don't play dumb with me." He said, getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"Dude, what quirk?!" You said.

"Ha, very funny." He said, rolling his eyes. "Look, I know you have an aphroditic quirk of some sort so stop using it, I can't stand it." He glared.

You paused for a second before bursting out in uncontrollable laughter. Hawks feathers ruffled in anger.

"Stop laughing now." He said.

"I-I'm sorry, its just t-too funny!" You said before laughing again.

"What's so funny about this?" He glared.

"I was born quirkless! That's why!" You said.

Hawks froze. "What?" 

"Yea! If you don't believe me go to the hospital nearby here, they have my records." You said, finally calming down.

"O-oh, I apologize then." Hawks said, his face burning up.

"It's nothing, although I would like to go back to the part where you thought I have a love quirk or something. You have feelings or something?" You said, smirking as you leaned closer to his face.

Hawks malfunctioned on the spot.

"I-I, uh, I-" He stuttered, trying to form a proper sentence.

You laughed again and patted his back. "No worries dude, just get me back down, I want my waffles." You said.

"Sure." He said, avoiding eye contact with you, he flew you back down.

"See you around Hawks!" You said as you waved goodbye to him as he flew off, his face still as red as a tomato.

"Hey Y/N, I got our waffles." Akio said as she handed you a plate.

"Thank you!" You said, smiling at Akio as the both of you ate the waffles.

Meanwhile, Hawks had dug into his pocket to look for a sweet to calm himself down before finding a piece of paper instead. He took it out and saw your number on it. You had slipped it in when he was flying you back down.

His face turned even redder.

Every time your heard a notification sound from your phone, you literally ran to see who messaged you only to sigh in disappointment when you saw it wasn't Hawks.

"Maybe I was too forward to him?" You muttered to yourself as you walked into your apartment and patted Scooby.

At that moment, your phone dinged.

Unknown Number
Heyo, its Hawks.

Unknown Number
Sorry about earlier, I was out of the line :(

Its fine dude, quirkless people aren't that common anymore so I understand :D

Overgrown Chicken <3
You are a literal angel

Overgrown Chicken <3 
You are quite bold for giving me your number tho, do you do it with everyone you meet?

What? no-

I'd just thought it will be fun to give you my number

Overgrown Chicken <3
Ohhhh okok

Overgrown Chicken <3
Welp, have to run now, talk to you later :)

Byeeeee <3

You smiled, he actually saved your number!

You jumped around and squealed while Scooby stared at you with a concerned look.

A sudden idea popped in your head and you went to your bedroom and took out a box under your bed. You pulled out a few stuff before finally finding the notebook.

You took it out and looked at the first page.

1. Funny
2. Kind
3. Strong
4. Smart
5. A hero

"Damn, that's five down already." You muttered as you ticked it off.

"I wonder how many does he have..."

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now