11. Willing to communicate

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(I saw season 6 for MHA coming out in October, time to get ✨emotional damage✨)

Hawks hasn't been texting you.

The both of you have been dating for a few months now.

And this is the first time he hasn't contacted you for 3 days straight.

And you were worried.

"Maybe he was just using me? Did he thought of me as a side chick to use when he is bored? Why did he told me he loves me when he is going to straight up disappear without a word???" You said to your phone as you paced back forth in your living room.

"If he really did all of that I will beat his ass up." Akio's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm just so worried! Did something happened to him??" You said, not taking any notice to Akio's comment.

"C'mon, if something really happened to him it will be all over the news." Akio reasoned.

"You're right... What if he is cheating on me??!!" You gasped in realization.

"Listen here Y/N, any man would be stupid to even think about cheating on you. You are an amazing person and if Hawks couldn't see that, he is fucking blind and is asking for a headline saying 'Hawks' body found in a dumpster'." Akio threatened.

At that very moment, you heard a tap on your balcony glass door, you turned and lo and behold, there stood Hawks.

"Keigo!" You cried out rushing to the door.

"Hawks is back? Put me on speaker so I can yell at that chicken for making you worried." Akio's voice said.

"You can yell at him later, I will call you back, bye!" You said hurriedly as you unlocked the door.

"Okay then, bye bitch!" Akio said and hung up.

You opened the door and hugged Hawks, it felt like forever since you last saw him.

"Woah, hello to you too, angel." He chuckled as he returned the hug.

Suddenly, he felt a hard jab at his ribs.

"Ow!" He yelled as stepped back. 

"Where. The fuck. Were you?" You said, very pissed.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" Hawks asked nervously.

"What do you think?" You retorted, crossing your arms across your chest.

Hawks sighed. "Look, I'm very sorry, something urgent came up and I had to go." He explained.

"And you didn't think about calling, texting, or at least writing a note to me??? Don't you realize that I was worried sick?!" You yelled.

"Look, I was in a rush, I'm sorry." Hawks said, trying to apologize as he reached over the touch your cheek. You slapped his hand away.

You looked up at him and his eyes widened, there was tears running down your face.

"I was so fucking scared that you got bored of me, was ghosting me, or was cheating on me." You said as you rubbed the tears away from your eyes.

Hawks felt his heart break.

He should have done better, he should have at least found a safe place to text you for a few minutes and explained everything.

"I'm so sorry angel, I never meant-" He said before being cut off by you.

"Don't call me angel." You snapped at him. "In fact, get out, I don't feel like even talking to you." You said as you started to shove him out of you apartment into your balcony.

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