12. Will love me despite all my insecurities

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You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. 

It was one of those days, those days where you felt insecure of everything.

"How did Keigo even fall for me? I look terrible." You muttered to yourself.

You pinched your belly, "Look at this shit, I'm not fit like those models he is surrounded with." 

You looked at your thighs, "And this too, why can't I look good?"

At that very moment, Hawks knocked on your bedroom door. "Hey angel? I bought your favourite food, you coming out?"

"I don't feel like eating today." You called out.

Hawks was silent on the other side, out of the two and a half months he have been dating you, he never heard you deny the chance to have food.

"Are you feeling okay?" Hawks asked worriedly before a thought popped in his head "WAIT ARE YOU SICK? WAIT HERE I WILL GET MEDICINE, IS IT A COLD? OR JUST A NORMAL FLU? OR IS IT BOTH?" He said, clearly freaking out.

"No Hawks, it's none of that." You said.

"Oh thank god, then what's wrong?" He asked.

Silence on your side.

"Y/N, please, tell me what's wrong. Was it something I did?" Hawks asked.

"What? No! No, it's nothing like that."

"Then what's wrong?"

"...Why do you love me?" You asked.

The moment you uttered those words, your bedroom door burst open. If he slammed it open any harder, your door hinges would have died.

"CODE RED, CODE RED, GIRLFRIEND IS FEELING INSECURE! CODE RED, CODE RED!" He yelled as he ran in and tackled you with a hug, his feathers close behind with stuffed toys, your favourite snacks, and blankets.

Next thing you knew, Hawks and his feathers had you wrapped up in a comfy blanket burrito with your stuffed toys right beside you.


You just sat there in silence, trying to process everything that happened.

That was before you started to cry, scaring Hawks.

"H-Hey, are you okay?" He asked nervously.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you? There are so many girls out there who is prettier then me, why did you choose me?" You asked in between sobs.

Hawks immediately engulfed you in a hug.

"Angel, you are the prettiest person I ever met and the only one who managed to sweep me off my feet. Why wouldn't I love you?" He say as he stroked your head.

"But look at me, I'm not the best looking person, nor am I the strongest. There are a ton of girls better then me." You said.

"But none of them is you." Hawks said as he pulled you closer. "Listen, I fell for you because you are you. Your personality is amazing, the sound of laugh is music to my ears, your smile is brighter then Tokyo, and you eyes, god, I could get lost just staring into them." He murmured as he planted a kiss on your forehead.

"I didn't realize I had a favourite colour until I started looking for you in the crowds until I spot your hair colour with your iconic hairstyle. I didn't realize that I could feel all those things until you laughed at my stupid jokes. I didn't realize eating food could become my favourite part of my day until I started eating dinners with you." He said, all the words spilling out of him like a waterfall.

Your eyes widened, you never expected him to say all of that.

"I love you so much Y/N, and I understand if you don't see it yet but I will never stop loving you until the day I die." He said as he kissed your lips.

Maybe it was his words or just the fact he was here, still hugging you and not running away but you felt all your insecurities melt away as he kissed you all over your face.

"Thank you Keigo, I really needed that." You said.

His wings flapped in happiness as he snuggled closer to you. "Are you ready to eat now?" He asked.

"Yea sure, I'm starving." You said as you got up and head to the kitchen with Hawks clinging on to you.

What would you do without him?


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