3. Strong

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"Shushhhh I don't need the whole building to know!" You said slapping a hand over your friend's mouth.

"Mmf! mmph!" Your friend said against your hand as you looked around the building nervously.

Akio, your best friend of 10 years. As much as you love her she had a big mouth and you were scared your coworkers would know.

"Ew!" You yelled as Akio slyly licked your palm to get your hand off her mouth.

"And that's why you don't put your hand on my mouth." Akio said, smirking. "Now spill girl."

"What is there to spill? My cup of coffee?" You asked sarcastically.

"No! Is there something going on between you and Hawks?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What?! No! He is just thanking me for helping him when he appeared at my doorstep." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Does he fit into the list you made?" She asked, leaning on the table.

You paused, it had been awhile since you checked the list you made when you were four.

"Why would that matter?" You asked.

"Who knows, it might be the universe telling you that Hawks is the Mr. Perfect that seems almost impossible to get." Akio said, referring to your list with ridiculously high standards.

"As if." You said, rolling your eyes as you went back to your office.

But Akio's words stayed in your head the whole day.

"Let's take it as an experiment, every time he shows one of the qualities I want, I will tick it off." You thought to yourself.

Finally, office hours were over and you walked down the streets, humming to yourself at the thought of taking a nice bath and playing with Scooby, the puppy you adopted.

Those thoughts were disrupted by a sudden commotion ahead of you.

A huge criminal, most likely because of his quirk, stepped out of the bank that was just in front of you with people screaming and running away. He was carrying a bag, clearly filled with money he just stole.

"Fuck." You muttered as you slowly backed away, trying to not make any sudden movements that will catch his eye.

It failed.

Someone from behind you scream and he turned to your direction and spotted you.

He pounced at you, most likely to use you as hostage when the heroes arrive.

"Hey, HEY I HAVE A BATH TO TAKE YOU IDIOT!" You yelled trying to beat yourself out of his massive fist that was slowly squeezing the air out of you.

"Y'know, this isn't such a bad way to go. I will be on the news." Your brain went to which you mentally slapped yourself. "You just got a puppy! Shut the fuck up and try to get out of here!" The more sensible part of you said.

You struggled, but with every movement he just tighten his grip.

"Now now, it isn't polite to drag a lovely young lady like her into this!" A familiar voice said.

"Hawks?" You said as you turned and saw Hawks, in all his glory, right above the both of you.

"Let me go freely or I will kill her!" The criminal threatened.

"Hey! No need to go that far!" You yelled.

"I agree with her." Hawks nodded.

"Thank you!"

"I said, let me go or I will kill her." The criminal said again, squeezing you even more tighter earning a yelp from you.

Hawks frowned. "Very well then, if that's how you want to play."

Everything went by so fast. His feathers came out of nowhere and pried you out of the criminal's grip while two bigger ones sliced the legs of the criminal.

Next thing you knew, you were in the air with Hawks holding on to you while his feathers kept the criminal down.

"Well thank god, I swear if he squeezed harder I will be squashed like orange juice." You muttered.

Hawks chuckled. "It will be a waste to see someone as pretty as you live such a short life before you get a boyfriend. You don't have one, right?" He added quickly.

"Yeap, no boyfriend." You said as Hawks gently lowered you down.

"Good." He said to himself, not knowing that you heard him.

"Your puppy must be waiting for you, go back home, I can take care of things." Hawks assured as he waved you off.

"Right, thank you Hawks!" You said as you turned to leave before pausing.

"Oh, by the way Hawks." You called out.


"The puppy has a name now, Scooby." You said.

"Scooby... I like that name." He said, smiling that million-dollar smile that makes anyone swoon.

Except this time it was genuine, not a camera smile.

As you walked back, the events replayed over and over again. Specifically the moment that Hawks rescued you.

"He was really strong." You murmured to yourself. 

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now