8. Straight forward

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Hawks stared at his phone, reading all the conversations he had with you.

It wasn't that you guys weren't talking anymore, he just... Misses you.

"Hawks, stop looking at your phone and pay attention." A voice beside him said.

"Ah, sorry Endeavour." Hawks apologised as he quickly put away his phone.

"Alright, spit it out, what's with you?" Endeavour asked.

"Huh? Nothing." Hawks said, mustering his most clueless expression possible.

"You have been scrolling through your phone all day and even smiling and blushing." Endeavour pointed out.

Hawks froze, if he was that obvious while chatting with you via text, how obvious was he when chatting with you physically?

"I take that I have hit the nail on the head, which girl caught your eye?" Endeavour asked. "Or boy." He quickly added.

"Uh, it's some girl who works not too far away here from here in the finance department." Hawks explained.

"How did you two met?"

"I mistaken her apartment for mine and passed out on her doormat."

"...I wasn't expecting that." Endeavour said.

"Yea I know, it's a weird story." Hawks chuckled nervously.

"Go tell her how you feel." Endeavour said.

"WAIT WHAT??" Hawks yelled, his wings poofing up and his face turning red.

Endeavour sighed and shook his head. "It's clear that you like her a lot, so tell her."

"B-but-" Hawks began to say before being interrupted by Endeavour.

"No buts, tell her." Endeavour said.

Hawks was silent as they continued walking.

"I mean, what's the worse that can happen?" He thought to himself.

"She could say no and block you and won't ever talk to you ever again."

"...That isn't helping."

"Just tell her, it won't hurt to try."


You had to be lying to say he wasn't nervous at all.

Later that night, you were just drinking coffee at your balcony while recounting the events of the past few weeks.

At that moment, your phone rang. It was Hawks.

"Hey Hawks! What's up?" You asked

"Hey Y/N, can I uh, tell you something?" Hawks' voice came from the other end.

You felt yourself blushing, hearing his voice so close to your ear.

"Y-yea sure! What is it?" You asked.

"So uh, I know we have only known eachother for a few weeks."

"Yea, and?"

"And I know this might be kind of sudden and all that but then again, I'm a hero too fast for his own good." Hawks said, chuckling at the last bit.

"Is everything okay Hawks? You sound nervous." You asked.

"No everything is fine, except for the part where you aren't dating me yet."

"E-EH?" You yelled, you could hear Hawks chuckling nervously on the other end.


"Why would I be?"

"In that case, I wouldn't mind being your girlfriend, I like you a lot Hawks!" You admit.

There was silence on the other end.

"H-Hawks?" You asked nervously.

A figure appeared in front of you, there was Hawks, flying, with his phone to his ear and his face as red as a tomato.

"R-really?" He asked, his eyes shining.

"Yes, I like you Hawks." You nodded.

Hawks flew towards you and crashed his lips right onto you, you stumbled backwards but Hawks' arms caught you.

You returned the kiss without any hesitation. You never knew that you had been waiting for this moment for so long.

The both of you pulled away, panting slightly from the lack of air.

"How long were you sitting on the roof?" You asked, giggling slightly.

"About an hour before I finally called you." Hawks admitted.

You laughed. "Who knew you would do something like that."

"Love makes you do stuff like that." He said as he gently pecked your lips again.

You blushed slightly. "So now that we are a... Thing, how are you gonna tell the media?"

"Soon, I want to let everyone know that you are off the market." Hawks chuckled. "Now may I come in? Sitting on the roof for a long period of time is surprisingly tiring."

You laughed and opened the balcony door to your boyfriend who happily walked in.

"That was a straight forward confession." You thought to yourself.

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now