6. Gentle

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Gentle, you had wrote that on your list after your friend cried about her boyfriend that had hit her before breaking up. Right then and there, you decided you wanted your future partner to be gentle to you.

You wondered if Hawks possessed that quality.

It didn't take long for you to figure that out.

It was raining again, it reminded you about the day you first met Hawks.

This time however, you brought your umbrella.

"Hehehe, you can't stop me now, rain!" You yelled at the sky, earning a few weird glances from passersby.

You were walking back home happily before a minor accident happen.

A kid was running around in the rain with a raincoat on and jumping in the puddles, he didn't noticed you and accidentally bumped into you.

You didn't slip, but the shove made your ankle twist in a weird way.

"Well fuck." You muttered as you felt the pain from your ankle slowly coming.

"I am so sorry!" The mother apologized before bringing the child away while scolding him.

"It's fine, I'm not too far from home anyways." You thought to yourself as you started to walk before a sharp pain hit you.

"Fuck, never mind." You muttered as you went to a bus stop nearby and sat on the benches to massage your ankle.

Hawks was passing by, sheltering himself from the rain with his wings as he did his usual patrol before spotting you sitting on the bench at the bus stop.

"Heyo, what's wrong?" He asked as he walked up to you.

"Oh, hey Hawks." You said.

"Is your leg okay?" He asked, noticing how your ankle was slowly swelling.

"Nope, it hurts like a bitch." You sighed. "Today sucks."

"Wait here." Hawks said as he ran off, you stared at his disappearing figure puzzledly.

Soon enough, he return with some anti-swelling cream and a bandage.

"Rest your leg on the bench." He told you, you did as he instructed and Hawks went right to work.

He gently pressed on your ankle till he felt you winced, then he took the cream and spread it across your ankle. The cooling sensation made you feel better almost instantly.

Next, he took the bandage and firmly, but gently, wrapped it around your ankle.

"There, all done!" He said, smiling at you.

"O-oh, thanks." You smiled at him, feeling your face heating up.

"Best not to put any pressure on it for a few days, mind if I fly you home?" He offered.

"No, it's fine, I can get back on my own." You said, standing up but falling down immediately back into Hawks' arm.

"Yeap, sure you can." He chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "Now hold on to me, would ya?" He said as he picked you up bridal style.

Next thing you knew, you were up in the sky. Hawks made sure to hold onto you in a way to minimize the amount of rain that will get onto you.

"Here we are." He said as he gently placed you down on your balcony.

"Thanks a lot Hawks." You said, smiling at him. "How about you come in a dry off, you don't want to catch a cold." You explained.

And so, here were you, chilling on your couch while Hawks took a shower in your bathroom.

When you heard the door opened, you turned towards him.

"I hope the t-shirt I gave to you fits, especially with you wi-" You paused.

Hawks was standing in front of you, wiping off the water, shirtless.

"Yea about that, you don't mind if I cut some slits at the back to fit my wings through, right?" He asked, not noticing your red face.

"Y-yea sure, I got some scissors in the kitchen." You stuttered.

Hawks nodded and walked off, the moment he disappeared from view you hit your head on the pillow.

"Get a hold of yourself Y/N!" You whispered to yourself.

Hawks soon came back (with a shirt on thankfully) to see you hiding your face behind a pillow.

"You good?" He asked as he lowered the pillow only to see your red face.

"Hey!" You frowned, trying to pull the pillow back up only to hear a chuckle from him.

"What's so funny?" You demanded.

"It's just cute to see you so flustered." He shrugged as he leaned closer. "Remind me again, who was it that was so bold to give me your number?"

"Shut up bird brain." You grumbled as you tossed a pillow at his face, earning a laugh.

"Thank you for the clothes, I will return them soon." He assured you.

"No need to, you might as well keep them. I have no need for a shirt with slits on the back." You said, gesturing to his wings.

"Understandable, I will be leaving then." He said as he walked towards your front door.

"'kay then, take care." You said as he unlocked it with the keys nearby and left.

The moment the door shut, you smashed your head on the pillow again, Scooby stared at you confusedly.

"He was so fricking gentle..."

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