9. Protective (not too protective though)

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"YOU AND HAWKS ARE WHAT?" Akio yelled.

"SHUSH!" You quickly said.


"I DON'T NEED THE WHOLE OFFICE KNOWING YET SO SHUSH!" You said as you covered Akio's mouth.

Akio pouted at you.

You removed your hand from her mouth after making sure she will stay quiet. "I'm waiting for Hawks to be ready to tell the media or whatever so don't go telling it to the world, 'kay?" You explained.

"Ah, if that's the case then fine by me." Akio nodded understandingly.

You breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Akio."

"Now let's go! It's lunch time and it's a good opportunity for you to spill the details to me!" Akio said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the office.

The both of you were soon waiting in line at a fast food restaurant.

The idle chat between the both of you was soon interrupted by someone... Unpleasant.

"Hey there hot shot." A voice said, sending shivers up your sign in a bad way.

"Who are you talking to?" You asked, looking cautiously at the middle aged man nearby.

"You, obviously." The man said, pointing at you. "Y'know, your face is totally my type. How about you give me your number?"

"No." You said plainly, glaring at him.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." He said, walking closer to you.

"Hey! Didn't you hear her? She said she isn't interested!" Akio said, glaring at the man.

"She is clearly playing hard to get." The man said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't you understand me? No means no." You glared at him.

"And don't you understand me? I said, give me your number!" He yelled. His hand lifting up.

You were prepared for a hit, but it never came.

Instead, Hawks was right in front of you, blocking the man's hand.

"Now now, how about you leave the young lady alone, hm?" Hawks said, his face did not look happy.

"Oh come on, what's wrong with asking for her number?" The man scoffed.

"She's taken, that's what's wrong." Hawks said.

"And how do you know that?" The man retorted.

Hawks suddenly grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. The occupants of the fast food restaurant gasped audibly.

Hawks pulled away and glared at the man. "Taken by me, that's how I know."

"Y-you-" The man stuttered.

"Now listen up everyone!" Hawks called out to the bystanders. "This lady here, is taken by me! So I don't want to see any of you bastards trying to take her away or you will have to deal with me! Got it?"

Your face was bright red.

"And you good sir, is under arrest for harassment." Hawks said, looking back at the creepy man.

The man gulped.

Hawks' feathers zoomed out and restrained him before he could run away.

"I will see you after work babe, I need to deal with this sorry excuse of a human being real quick." He said to you as he gave you a peck on your cheek and flew away.

You and the whole shop was silent as he left with the man.

"So now can you tell me the details without worrying about people hearing?" Akio asked.

It was barely a hour after lunch and the new trending search on the internet was about Hawks' girlfriend.

Aka you.

The comments on the post was either saying how lucky you were or how it should have been them and not you.

"Damn, I knew about stan culture but being on the recieving end of it can be scary." You said, scrolling through the posts with Akio.

"What Hawks did was so hot though!" Akio squealed.

"True." You shrugged as you shut off the computer.

"I will be leaving now then, see you tomorrow!" You said, waving at Akio before leaving the office.

You didn't get far though, there were reporters and fans outside the office. From behind them, you could see a familiar pair of red wings.

"There she is!" Someone called out.

Immediately, the crowd moved from Hawks to you and surrounded you in a flash.

"How is it like dating Hawks?"

"Is he a playboy?"

"How long have the both of you been dating?"

Questions after questions were tossed at you and you were feeling overwhelmed.

Thankfully, Hawks stepped in between you and the reporters.

"Now, I know this is an exciting news, but don't crowd around my girlfriend like that. In fact, I don't want to hear any complaints from her about harassment so leave her alone." Hawks said. "Let's go now." Hawks said to you as he picked you up and flew away.

"Dang, that was a lot of people." You said.

"Yea, sorry about that." Hawks chuckled.

"No no, it's fine." You reassured him.

Before you knew it, Hawks landed at your apartment.

"Here you are, I have a report to do so I can't hand around, see you tomorrow!" Hawks said.

"Wait!" You said, grabbing his sleeve.

"Hm?" Hawks asked.

"Thanks for helping me earlier today." You said.

"It's nothing, plus, I managed to tell the world you are mine." He said as he gave you a kiss before waving and flying off.

"He is so fucking hot what the fuck." You muttered as you entered you house.

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