2. Kind

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You stretched as you turned off the TV, it was 4:30am and you have work tomorrow so you prepared yourself for bed.

But after a bit of tossing and turning, you decided to forget about sleeping and scroll through your phone until daylight.

Fuck being responsible.

At around 5am, you heard a noise from your balcony.

Which was weird because the puppy was still at the vet so you went cautiously to the balcony with a knife from the kitchen to check it out.

You could see a figure against the moonlight, trying to set the pots they knocked down back up.

They had wings.

"Hawks?" You asked as you slid open the balcony door earning a yelp from him as he hit down a few more pots with his wings.

"H-hey!" He said smiling.

"Why are you on my balcony at 5 something in the morning?" You asked.

"I, uh, I got you this." He said smiling slightly as he gave you a bag full of goodies.

"What for?" You said as you accepted his gift.

"Take it as a thanks for bringing me into your home yesterday and patching me up." He said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aw, thanks, that's really nice of you. How about you come in?" You asked.

"Can I?" Hawks said, his wings ruffling in excitement at your invitation.

"Yea, come in!" You said as you stepped aside and allowed your guest in.

"Sorry about waking you though." Hawks sheepishly apologized as he removed his shoes.

"I wasn't sleeping in the first place so you are good." You shrugged. "Coffee?"

"Y'know, it's quite unhealthy to not get the proper amount of sleep." Hawks said.

"Fuck it, sleep is for the weak." You said, tossing your hair earning a chuckle from Hawks. "Plus, you are up too." You pointed out.

"Guilty as charged." He said, holding up his hands in mock defeat.

You laughed as you set down a cup of coffee for him to which he gladly accept.

The two of you made idle chit chat, just talking about your jobs and how your lives have been.

Finally, at 7am, Hawks bid farewell and took off to work.

The apartment suddenly felt quiet within him but you shrugged it off and head off for work.

On the way there, you received a call from the vet saying that the puppy was ready to be picked up.

Now spurred with the thought of getting a puppy, you practically skipped to work and scared the living shit out of the receptionist.

"A-are you okay Y/N? Usually you will be all grumpy." The receptionist asked nervously.

"Yeap! Everything is fantastic!" You smiled genuinely before walking towards the lift.

For the rest of the day your coworkers gave you gifts (peace offerings more like).

You didn't mind though, free snacks is free snacks after all.

The moment work was over, you practically ran to the vet where you were greeted by an enthusiastic puppy who jumped and licked your face.

You walked back home happily, and just as you reached your home, you saw Hawks standing outside.

"Hey there Y/N!" He said smiling before crouching down to greet the puppy.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" You asked.

"Here, I figured you may need it for the puppy." He said as he showed a dog bed and food nearby.

"Oh my gosh you shouldn't have!" You said.

"It's a thank you for helping me so accept it." He said, smiling at you.

"But you already gave me goodies." You pointed out.

"It didn't felt like enough, here I will help you bring it up." He said as he picked up the stuff and walked into the building with you.

Once he placed everything down, you insisted he stayed but he had to head off.

You smiled as you watched his disappearing figure.

"He is way too kind." You said to yourself.

The Perfect List (Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now