7. Romantic

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Anyone would be crazy to want a significant other that is completely heartless and wouldn't even show the slightest affection towards them.

That's why you added 'Romantic' to your list.

Although you were doubtful that you will ever find anyone like that. The last time you saw a guy doing something romantic was in a romance anime you just finished watching.

Goddamn did that anime made you feel more lonelier than ever.

And that was why Akio spotted you at the verge of tears in front of the office monitor as the ending credits rolled.

"Jeez girl, go get yourself a boyfriend if you are that desperate." She sighed as she ruffled your hair as you tried to keep yourself together.

"Oh shut it, you know I'm hopeless with stuff like this. Especially with my, and I quote, 'Ridiculously high standards.'" You retorted.

"Well, there is Hawks." She smirked.

You froze, for some reason, the memory of Hawks shirtless flashed through your head.

"S-Shut up! As if he will pay mind to me anyways!" You scoffed as you exited the website you were watching the anime from.

"I doubt that." Akio said as she pointed to the window behind you. You turned and saw Hawks happily smiling and waving at you.

"Hawks?!" You yelled in shock.

Before Hawks could respond, he let out what seem like a shriek of fear before dodging. A whole group of pigeons went flying past where his head was.

"What the fuck-" You muttered as you stared in disbelief as he flew away from the pigeons that was currently chasing him.

"Damn, pigeons do hate him." Akio said.

"Imma just head out and grab lunch, maybe he won't see me." You said as you walked away from the window, which by the way, still had a full view of Hawks screaming and yelling in fear as pigeons bombed him in every direction.

You were just exiting the building when you heard a voice from above.

"Y/N! Hey!"

You looked up and saw Hawks diving straight towards you with pigeons hot on his trail.

"GAH! WHAT THE FUCK!" You yelled as you started running.

"HEY! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" Hawks called out as he went after you, with pigeons still chasing him.

"WHY WOULDN'T I?" You retorted.

It was quite a scene for the innocent citizens, just trying to go along with their day.

A grown woman, running for her life as the No. 2 Pro Hero, Hawks, chase after her with pigeons on his trail.

As you ran, you spotted an alleyway and ran into it at the last second.

Sure enough Hawks, the pigeons, and his feathers, went straight past you before being able to comprehend where you went.

"Dang, I didn't know he sent his feathers out for me." You muttered as you peeked out of the alleyway and saw Hawks batting off the pigeons before yelling and flying away again.

You left the alleyway and went to a nearby sandwich store, just as you were about to enter, something picked you up and flew up with you.

"WHAT THE HELL HOLY SHIT!" You screamed as you turned around, expecting to see Hawks' face.

He wasn't there, it was just his feathers.

"AHHHH LET ME DOWN YOU CRAZY BASTARD!" You yelled at the feathers who, to no one's surprise, didn't answer.

Next thing you knew, you were up on the roof of a building. There was a table set up with some food on the table fitting for lunch.

"Huh?" You muttered as you walked closer to the table out of curiosity.

"It's nice, isn't it?" A voice came from behind you.

"You turned and saw Hawks in front of you. You burst out laughing.

"H-hey, why are you laughing like that?" Hawks asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yo-Your hair." You wheezed as you pointed to his hair.

There was pigeon feathers stuck in it and his hair was ruffled in all directions.

"Is it that bad?" He asked as he tried to smoothen it out but only made it worse.

"No no, you are making it worse." You said as you walked over and reached over.

Hawks froze at how close you were.

You paid no mind though, you were more focused on fixing his hair.

"Those pigeons must have been giving you a hard time." You giggled as you pulled out the last of the feathers and patted his head. "There, all done."

"S-so, you saw that." Hawks stuttered, his eyes still focused on your face.

"Obviously, hell, you even went after me with them hot on your trail." You rolled your eyes.

"Oh, so that's why you ran." He muttered.

"Anyways, what's all of this?" You asked.

"I thought that we could have lunch together, if you are okay with that though!" He quickly added.

You looked at the scene before you, it was very romantic not going to lie.

"It looks more like some romantic date in my opinion." You noted.

Hawks smirked. "It can be a date, if you want."

"Where the hell did that wave of confidence came from??" You thought

"Yea sure, I will eat lunch with you." You said, ignoring the second question.

Hawks' wings ruffled up in happiness. "Great! Let's eat!"

It was a very nice lunch.

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