14. Someone I want to spend the rest of my life with

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It has been two years since you and Hawks started dating.

The best two years in your entire life.

You loved every second you spent with him, nothing made you grew tired about him.

Hawks felt the same way too, and he had a burning question in the back of his head.

"Do you think I should propose to her?" Hawks said, Endeavour spat out his food and Mirko choked on her drink.

"W-what?" Endeavour asked, he looked up to see a very serious face.

"I'm serious Endeavour, Y/N is the one and I want to marry her. Except, do you think it's too early?" Hawks asked, tapping his chin.

"I say go for it!" Mirko encouraged, clapping his back and earning a cough from Hawks.

"Are you sure? Maybe she wants to take it slow..." He trailed off.

"I think she is ready." Endeavour nodded thoughtfully, "The way she looks at you says it all." Hawks turned a bright shade of red.

"After our shift let's go find some engagement rings for you and your future fiancée!" Mirko said, hopping up from her chair.


"Y/NNNN!!" Akio yelled as she ran into your cubicle.

"Jesus Christ Akio, what's wrong? Did your nail broke or did someone die?" You asked as you tried to calm your racing heart.

"Have you asked your dear Hawks about marriage yet?" She asked, smirking as you choked on your drink.

"W-why so sudden?" You asked between coughs.

"Oh you know, it's been like two years and me and your beloved coworkers are wondering when the both of you are gonna tie the knot." Akio winked.

"I-I don't know, I don't think he is ready to be honest..." You trail off.

Few weeks ago...

It was a breezy evening, you and Hawks had decided that a hot drink by the balcony was the best way to unwind after a long day.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you broke it.

"Hey babe?" You asked.

"Hm?" Hawks hummed in reply.

"What do you think about us getting married?" You ask, not wanting to look at his face.

You heard Hawks choking on his drink, "Holy shit, are you okay?" You asked.

"S-sorry, it just caught me off guard." Hawks said, wiping away the hot chocolate from his chin.

"So?" You asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

God, he could feel his heart melt when you looked at him like that.

"Marriage huh, doesn't sound like a bad idea, but aren't we a little busy for that?" He said uncertainly.

You felt your heart drop at his answer.

"Yea, I guess you are right. Maybe later on then." You said, turning away from him and distracting yourself with the view.

You felt his arm snake around your waist as he pulled you closed and pressed a kiss against you cheek.

"Don't feel upset angel, I promise to marry you one day." He whisper into your ear, you felt your face growing hot.

Present day...

"He said that?! So there is a chance!" Akio squealed.

"Yea, but as he said, he is busy right now and so am I. We should focus on our work before settling down." You said, turning back to your computer.

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