10. Loyal

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What happens when Hawks announce the both of you are dating? You will get some of the following!

1. Jealous glares
2. Random people asking you questions
3. People finding your social media and sending hate comments
4. Annoying bitches
5. Reporters
6. Did I mention annoying bitches?

Jokes aside, you didn't really care at all. You were dating the man you loved and that was all that matters.

Unfortunately, certain people doesn't understand what 'taken' means.

You were heading to the grocery store to pick up some necessities and treats for Scooby.

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed red wings.

You felt excited and suddenly self conscious, would he find you weird for wearing anime merch while out in public? You didn't had time to wash your hair today and you clearly didn't had any sleep recently.

You were a hot mess.

Nevertheless, you decided to approach him.

But what you saw made you stop in your tracks.

There was a girl being a little too close to him, her hand was on his chest and she was clearly flirting with him.

"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure your little, 'girlfriend,' wouldn't mind." She smirked as she leaned closer to him.

Boy was she wrong, you minded this a lot.

Before you took a step towards them, Hawks pushed her away.

"I'm sorry, but wasn't my announcement the other day clear enough? I'm taken so get the fuck out of my sight." Hawks glared at her.

"What's wrong? Its not like she will know about this." The bitch said seductively.

"Thing is, I'm right here." You piped up from behind her.

She clearly froze as she turned around and saw you with your arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"It's not what it looks like, Hawks is just an old friend of mine!" She said.

"I have never met her in my life." Hawks said from behind, smirking as he watched this play out.

"H-He's lying!" She quickly said.

"Why should I trust some random bitch that I just met?" You asked. "Now how about you do me a favor and go back to whatever circus you work at."

"C-Circus?!" She gasped.

From behind, you could hear a snort from Hawks.

"Oh sorry, all that makeup on your face made me thought you were a clown. I apologize." You said, bowing in mock apology.

Hawks burst out laughing.

"You bitch!" She yelled as she grabbed a fistful of your hair.

You kicked her square in the stomach. "I think harassing someone like that is considered an offense." You noted.

"YOU JUST KICKED ME THOUGH!" She yelled back.

"In self defense." You added.


"Did you not hear me? Get out of here." You said icily.

"Hawks!" She said, turning around with fake tears in her eyes.

"Ma'am I have never met you before and you tried to seduce me, why should I help you?" Hawks said.

The lady ran away.

Hawks turned to you and burst out laughing again. "That was amazing!" He said.

"Eh, it's whatever." You said as you tried fixing your hair after she grabbed it.

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