Part 1

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"So you will watch her day and night and make sure her house is safe. But be careful Stilinski, whoever this crazy freak is, they've already killed 3 people, 1 of them was her last bodyguard." The man warned as Stiles sighed, rolling his eyes as he paced the room. "Oh come on, respectfully Sir, she's just some another popstar princess, I've worked plenty of assignments like this before, you know i can deal with it." He replied before halting in his path, placing his hands on his hips. Derek stared at the boy and shook his head. "Stilinski i know your record, it's flawless, why do you think that i picked you? I know you will get it sorted but you still need to be careful." Derek stated defiantly as he walked closer to the lean boy.

"Careful about what? It's business. No creep scares me. " Stiles asked him with a sigh as Derek squinted at him in frustration. "I'm not talking about the 'creep'...I'm telling you to be careful of her." He replied sternly as Stiles snapped his head back up from the floor, his expression full of confusion. "What. Why?" His voice was deeper and full of curiosity, as he awaited Derek's reply.

"...Because she will be different than your other clients..."


Stiles pulled up to large mansion that was surrounded by wooded area. His sleek black car stopping at the rusty gate that blocked his way. As he stopped, he rolled down his window, as the intercom machine spoke at him. "State your name and purpose for visit." the machine blared croakily as it cracked and rustled brokenly. "Stiles Stilinski, Bodyguard." Stiles spoke briefly as he readjusted his sunglasses on his face. "What?! I didn't catch that. Please repeat." The machined blared at him once again as Stiles rolled his eyes at it in irritation. "Frank Farmer, Window cleaner." Stiles lied as he tilted his head at the broken machine, awaiting its response. There was a moment of silence before a loud creak as the rusty gates began to open. Stiles shook his head in frustration as he rolled his window back up before driving through the gates.

The gardens that surrounded the house were beautiful and clearly well looked after as numerous staff members tended to the grounds. He drove around the mini roundabout before pulling up in front of the main entrance. A teenage boy spotted him from nearby as he watered the plants with a hose. He looked at him curiously before putting his hose down and quickly jogging over to him. "Hey! Hey!" The smaller boy yelled to him as Stiles hopped out his car, Stiles turned to him, his dark sunglasses just reflecting his surroundings as he looked around before coolly leaning against his car. "Hey! I don't recognise you! Who are you?" The man questioned him as he removed his gardening gloves. "I already said on the machine, I'm Frank Farmer, the lawyer." Stiles lied again as the smaller man looked him up at down before flashing him a genuine smile. "Oh, right sorry about that man, I'm Liam. I'm the gardener." Liam said as he held out his hand for Stiles to shake.

Stiles scoffed at him before taking his hand politely. "Hmm...And here I was thinking you was just holding that hose for decoration..." Stiles replied sarcastically as he dropped his hand, Liam chuckled awkwardly in response as he looked at the floor briefly. "Oh Erm Yeah...sorry about the questions we're just kinda on high alert due to the...stalker know you can never be too careful." Liam said with a friendly smile as he squinted in the summer sun. "Oh right yes of course...high alert..." Stiles half repeated what he said as he nodded the response at him. Just as Liam was about to respond, Stiles heard someone call his real name from behind him. "Stilinski!" Stiles recognised the voice instantly as he spun his head around quickly. "What you doing over there? Get here!" Derek's voice rang loudly across the courtyard as he waited near the front door for him. Stiles spun his head around to face Liam, who's face was now completely confused as his mouth hung open slightly.

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