Part 9

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"So are you coming to bed? It's getting late." Lydia said with a genuine smile as Stiles shook his head at her, to her confusion. "Nope sorry, you get the bed. Me? I get this super comfy chair here!" Stiles joked sarcastically as he pointed to the cushioned chair in the corner, grabbing it and moving it near the bed. "What? You've got to be joking. Come on Stiles you can't sleep in that." Lydia whined as she looked at the chair pitifully. "Nope i can. I can't get into bed with you." he admitted as she smirked at him playfully. "Oh yeah? Why? Frightened you might just end up kissing me again...?" She teased as he rolled his eyes at her. "No...okay sort of, look if we are going to put an end to this thing before it even starts, and sleeping in the same bed as my clients? a big no no." Stiles confessed honestly as Lydia scoffed at him. "That's so dumb. You're saying you can't get in bed with me cause you can't control yourself?" Lydia asked him in slight frustration as he sat in the chair.

"No, I can control myself just fine I-" Lydia laughed instantly cutting him off as she tied her fluffy hair up into a messy bun. "Ha no, sorry but I'm pretty sure the last 10 minutes just showed that you actually can't control yourself at all!" She taunted him as he looked away from her, he knew she was right and it irritated him. "FINE- I can learn to control myself, but anyway like I said, you're my client and being in the same bed as you is like breaking all the rules plus its giving you the wrong impression." Stiles stated bluntly as Lydia looked at him with a suddenly very cross expression. "What? Giving 'me' the wrong impression? What do you mean?" Lydia asked him coldly, her demeanour now full of annoyance. "Oh No, listen i just meant like this thing between us...we know it can't continue, despite what we want, and us sleeping together like that...will make it seem more real and okay when it's really not." Stiles protested as Lydia climbed into bed, her eyes suddenly going wide at his comment as she misunderstood. "SLEEPING TOGETHER?! Erm i don't think so!" She piped up in quick fury as he raised his arms up immediately in defence. "Oh god no no i didn't mean it like that I just meant like in the same bed" he responded hastily and slightly pathetically as she crossed her arms at him, scowling in annoyance. He'd clearly angered her now.

"Yeah? Fine Okay i see...I'm just your client, right? " Lydia muttered disappointedly as Stiles took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly as he did so. "Lydia please...please don't be mad at me." He pleaded with her desperately as she got herself comfy in the covers. "I'm not mad just frustrated...with the situation...goodnight Stiles..." She said quickly before turning away from him as he sighed heavily. He felt so horrible and he wasn't even completely sure why. He shouldn't have flirted with her, he shouldn't have gotten so close to her, he shouldn't have kissed her and let his guard down, now everything was a mess. He'd been doing this job for years, never once having an issue with his clients (despite some may wanting to), and yet here he was falling for a client. He shook his head in frustration, as he sunk lower in the seat in an attempt to get more comfortable. What was so special about this girl? How did she have so much power over him already? His job used to be so simple.

That was it, all he had to do was focus on his job, focus on catching the stalker, focus on keeping her safe and focus on completing the job. Once it was done, he could leave for another job elsewhere, maybe the further he was from this girl, the more in control he'd feel? Maybe distance from her would help him find himself again? Whatever it was, he had to try it. He felt so frustrated. Frustrated with his job, frustrated with Lydia, frustrated with himself. He couldn't remember a time when he'd wanted a girl so badly, it irritated him. He'd always been so careful previously, he always kept his distance, physically and emotionally. All he knew how to do was his job, and fuck was he good at it. But now? he was unfamiliar territory, now, he felt totally helpless for the first time in years. He'd made a huge mistake.

The night was slow and painful, as his mind tormented him. He spent most of it watching over Lydia as she slept, making sure she was safe, but every time he looked at her, he felt guilty. While spending the other of half of it in and out of sleep. He needed to set things straight with her in the morning, he needed to explain that he didn't mean to mislead her like that but he knew whatever he said would come off wrong. As soon as dawn came, Stiles got up and got changed, making sure to replace the missing bullets in his gun. He felt stressed, but at least he knew one thing for sure, nothing happened last night which meant that whoever this stalker was, they were getting their information from the inside.

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