Part 6

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Stiles was stressed. It had been a few days since they had discovered the pigs heart threat and things had been suspiciously quiet. Jackson had been working Lydia extra hard due to a big show she had coming up, but Stiles also believed that it was another way to keep them apart. However, Stiles just waited on the side lines, like he did with every one of her rehearsals, to Jackson's frustration. Most of the new security measures he'd asked to had been put in place now with a new front gate, new bullet proof windows, new security staff that had been personally vetted by him, some new guard dogs which he'd given the honour of looking after to Liam and monitored cameras everywhere. "Stilinski? Here a moment Bud!" A voice called him from behind as a buff tanned man with black hair tapped him on the shoulder. It was Scott. Stiles had recently hired him to work the cameras here but he had known him since he was young, they were in the academy together and Stiles classed him as his best friend. He needed to hire someone to watch the cameras and he trusted no one else more than Scott to do that.

"Yeah?" He answered him without taking his eyes of Lydia who was dancing and rehearsing in front of the mirrors. "There is something you need to see..." Scott stated ominously as Stiles finally turned to meet his gaze, he knew Scott wouldn't call him unless it was something super important. He followed Scott to the little security room where he watched all the cameras, monitoring exactly who came in and out of the building. Once they got inside, Scott took a seat and typed something on the keyboard which enhanced one of the camera footage from outside the front gate. "Look. You see that black car, i swear i keep seeing it parked first i didn't think much of it because most cars that come through here are similar but that never comes in, it just sits there for a while before disappearing." Scott explained frantically as Stiles felt his stomach drop. "Shit." He spoke quickly before running out of the room, without even speaking to Scott first, as he raced outside, pulling his gun out expertly as he ran speedily to the front gate. "Get the gates open now!" Stiles yelled to the gate staff as he ran.

Upon seeing him, the black vehicle started up immediately and backed up before he could get the gates open. All he could see was someone in a strange white mask at the driving seat before they quickly disappeared before he could get through. He raised his gun, taking a shot at the car, which reflected off his windshield. It was bulletproof. "FUCK. NOO!" Stiles cried in frustration as he closed his eyes briefly. Scott quickly caught up to him now, his expression disappointed as Stiles turned to face him, his gun now away. "Fuck, he was right there Scotty, I'm sure that was him...Next time he shows up outside you let me know immediately!" Stiles demanded before heading back inside quickly. As he got in, Derek greeted him outside the studio, his eyes wide as he clearly heard the gun shots. "What's going on?" Derek questioned him quickly as Stiles paced around impatiently in front of him. "He was here Derek! I'm sure of it. He was so close and he got away!" Stiles groaned in frustration as stopped still, placing his hands on his hips. "Don't worry you'll have another chance, this guy may be smart, but you are smarter, you will get him." Derek reassured him calmly.

"Yeah? well we better, for her sake." Stiles stated in irritation as he pointed through the glass door of the studio at Lydia. Stiles shook his head, taking a deep breath before heading back inside. Today already felt like a failure. Later in the afternoon, Stiles waited patiently outside next to a blacked out vehicle as he awaited Lydia's presence. He scuffed his feet around in boredom as he waited, until he heard the front door open. Lydia stepped out in a beautiful cherry red dress that hugged her curves in a way that made Stiles' breath hitch in his throat. Her strawberry blonde hair was curled to perfection and fell sleekly down her back, her makeup was dark around her eyes, accentuating the greenness of them. Her legs looked long and flawless as the heels she was wearing only showed them off more. She walked towards him carefully, but confidently, as Stiles couldn't help but check her out, which she clearly noticed. As she reached him, she smiled at him gracefully. "You should probably close your mouth or you might start catching flies." She teased him playfully as Stiles closed his mouth quickly, feeling embarrassed at being caught.

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