Part 10

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The next couple of days was difficult for Stiles. He tried his hardest to carry on as normal but every time he saw her, it felt like he had been punched in the stomach. Lydia, however, seemed to be fine, maybe she was just a better actor, but she was doing a pretty good job at avoiding him. He'd spoken to Derek about how nothing had happened while she in his room and he agreed that it must be someone who worked for her, but finding out who it was would be easier said than done. Stiles knew that no one knew what had happened between him and Lydia but it was pretty obvious that the pair of them had fallen out as Lydia could barely stand to be in the same room as him, when only days prior she'd barely wanted him leaving her side. Jackson seemed to love it though, he seemed to revel at the fact Lydia was mad at him and he hated it. Stiles felt utterly frustrated and isolated from his role. He hated that she could barely stand to be alone with him cause he knew she was doing it out of spite, he knew that she was still frightened to be alone, still frightened in bed every night and yet she wouldn't let him watch over her like he used to.

It made him feel like the stalker was winning, keeping her alone and afraid all the time, all the while keeping her body guard away from her, away from protecting her. It only seemed to dawn on him more when Lydia had requested that another member of the security staff went running with her from now on. He hated this feeling, he wasn't even really sure what it was but despite knowing she was safe, he only felt like she was truly safe when she was with him. Even worse, the days counting down to a big show she had were dwindling, and Stiles knew that if there was one place that a obsessive stalker would try to kill her, it would be in a crowded room full of strangers, bright lights, smoke and distractions. Stiles paced around outside in frustration, some things just weren't adding up. The way the stalker always knew exactly where she was all the time, including what room she was in, how professional the letters were, the gory death threats, the bulletproof windows on the car...something about it seemed way too professional and efficient for just your average run of the mill stalker. No. Whoever it was, they had to be a professional, or at least getting help from someone who was.

Stiles sat down on a bench outside near the fountain as the summer sun beamed down on him. He readjusted his sunglasses as he laid back slightly ruffling his hair a little with his hand. He heard footsteps from behind as Scott came and sat with him. "Hey man!" Scott's voice was cheery but sensitive as he gave him a light pat on his shoulder. Stiles turned to him, giving him a weak smile before turning back. "Hey." His voice was monotone and empty and Scott quickly picked up on it. "Are you okay?" Scott asked him politely as Stiles took a deep breath. "Honestly? I'm confused. This stalker keeps evading me time and time again and he always seems to be one step ahead, i don't understand it. He always knows where she is, he leaves her 'gifts' in rooms he knows she'll be in, he drives a professional security vehicle, knows how to leave her fingerprint-less letters and somehow he always escapes. Like the other night, I shot him on the grass out front...but somehow the cameras facing that direction have no footage from that night and there is no blood on the grass no nothing. It's like someone here is helping him and cleaning up after him and it irritates me. I can't investigate the staff too much because if it is one of them and they get wind that I'm on to them, they'll change their tactics and I literally have no idea who to trust anymore...I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle..." Stiles ranted bitterly at Scott as he listened intently.

"Yeah? Wow, that does sound like a nightmare. But you do have this Stiles, i know you do. We both know that you was one of the best agents that academy ever produced and as the smartest, talented and most skilful dude i know, i know for a fact that this guy, whoever he is, won't beat you. In the end, they always slip up." Scott said enthusiastically as he tried to encourage him. Stiles turned to him with a genuine smile for his best friend, "Yeah you really think so?" He asked him as Scott gave him a big grin. "Erm hell yeah dude! I mean come on if you ask me, this creep is just using the ultimate tactic on how to defeat an enemy." Scott stated obviously as Stiles gave him a confused look. "Get someone else to do it for you...?" He questioned him in confusion as Scott shook his head. "No dummy, not that one, you take away their hope, by taking away your hope, he's making you feel completely useless and therefore he's defeating half of you already. You know how deadly it can be to break someone's spirit..." Scott explained as it finally clicked. He was right.

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