Part 13

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Stiles woke Lydia up early the next day as the new bodyguard would be arriving any time now. However, Lydia was still very frustrated with him, as she seemed to be acting extra sarcastic and rude to him. Stiles knew it was due to him leaving, maybe that some part of her thought that pushing him away like this would make the whole process easier, but it still hurt him. She made him leave as she got dressed, and when he returned, Stiles noticed that her outfit was definitely out to impress as she wore a tight long black dress that had sleeves that fell around her lower shoulders. The neck line was low which accentuated her cleavage and the dress hugged her curves perfectly. Stiles stared at her in awe and she seemed to only become more smug at his reaction. "Y-You're wearing t-that to meet the new bodyguard...?" Stiles stammered in disbelief as he obviously looked her up and down. Lydia gave him a little laugh as she placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head at him a little so that her hair fell around her softly. "Yes...and what's wrong with that...?" She asked him coyly as he squinted at her in frustration. "Erm well you know its's a little much...i wouldn't be surprised if the guy just wanted to marry you then and there..." Stiles joked, but behind the laughter he felt genuinely worried, as she smirked at him. "Yeah so?" She teased as he pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek in frustration

"Oh and you want that hmm?" He asked her back quickly, slight jealousy developing in his voice which she easily seemed to pick up on. "Hmm maybe...are you jealous Stiles?" She teased him cruelly as he looked away from her briefly. "No...i mean you should just be careful..." He warned her as she laughed at him, but inside he despised the idea of another guy even near her. "Stiles come on, I'll be fine, he's a bodyguard he'll be fine with me." She answered quickly as she wondered around putting some jewellery on. Stiles watched her through dark eyes, "Lydia know not every bodyguard will be like me..." he said worriedly as she stopped in front of him with a expression of annoyance. "Is that a threat?" She asked him through slanted eyes, as she met his gaze. "No Lydia, of course not, its a word of warning. I won't be there if anything...happens." He answered honestly as she dropped her gaze for a moment. "I'll be fine. I've had many guards before you, i can handle it." she said in a harsh tone before striding past him and out the door. Stiles felt worried, he knew that some bodyguards abused their power and if Lydia was going to act this stubborn, she may be in trouble.

They headed outside as Derek greeted them with a tight lipped smile, while Jackson stood by his side grinning excitedly, as he lead them down the steps to a black vehicle that was parked out front. Stiles waited beside her as he kept his gaze focused on the car. The door opened and a tall man hopped out, his blonde hair was short and neatly styled, and his frame broad and muscular. He wore an expensive black suit and it was pretty clear to Stiles that he cared a lot about what he looked like. The man strutted confidently up to them as Derek stopped him, shaking his hand. "Hello, you must be Agent Stone!" Derek greeted him with a large smile as the man shook his hand. "Yes Sir, but you can call me Jack!" he said confidently with a winning smile as Derek nodded at him. Derek held out his hand as he they turned to face Jackson. "This is Jackson her manager and video director!" Derek said blandly as Jackson quickly stepped forward to greet the new agent like an excitable puppy. "HEY! It's great to meet you! I'm so glad we'll be finally getting a real bodyguard around here!" Jackson stated rudely as Stiles rolled his eyes at the obvious dig. Jack nodded at him with a smile and a chuckle at his comment. "My pleasure." He said smoothly before stepping sideways in front of Stiles. "Jack, this is Stiles Stilinski, Lydia's former bodyguard." Derek explained as Stiles stood straighter, holding his hand out for him to take. Jack shook it hard as he met Stiles' gaze with a fiery one. "Oh, the famous Stiles Stilinski! I've heard lots about you, your reputation as an agent is infamous and don't even get me started about the academy they worship you there." He sated slightly obnoxiously, as Stiles gave him a small smile. "Thank you! i didn't know my name was that known." Stiles replied modestly as jack dropped his hand, his gaze mischievous.

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