Part 8

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After grabbing some clothes, Stiles led her quickly up another flight of stairs to his room. He opened the door for her, gently escorting her inside as he closed the door behind him. "This is your room?" Lydia's voice was timid and quiet as she walked further in slowly, looking at his boxes of weapons, including guns, bullet cases and knives. "Yeahhh I'm sorry about the mess i never really like getting too comfortable at a clients place...i never know how long I'm going to stay..." Stiles admitted as Lydia spun around quickly to face him, her expression sad. "Oh i didn't mean it like that...don't worry I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Stiles reassured her quickly as she gave him a small smile in relief. "So erm...are you tired or...?" Stiles asked her, feeling slightly awkward within her presence. "Oh erm not really...can we just sit and talk for a bit?" Lydia replied with a slight head tilt before pointing at the bed. "Oh, yeah of course." He walked carefully over to the bed, clearing his messy things off of it before waiting for her to sit down.

Lydia sat down on the other end, putting her feet up as she sat up right. He went and joined her, copying her movements as he sat next to her, making sure to not sit too close. "Can i ask you a question Stiles?" Lydia asked him quietly as he turned to face her slightly. "Yeah, shoot." He replied casually even though deep down, he was terrified of what she might ask. "Why did you choose to be a bodyguard?" She spoke softly as her eyes seemed to be searching all over his face. "I erm... I guess when i was young i never really knew where i belonged...I was always angry, always getting into fights...I mean i knew i was good at it...but i never really knew how to use it for good...but once i went to the academy i found my purpose, i found how to channel all anger...all the fighting...i took something i was good at and made it my job." Stiles replied kinda vaguely as she listened intently. "Well whatever the reason was...I'm glad you chose it...otherwise you wouldn't be here tonight...I wouldn't have met you." Lydia said honestly, her voice cracking slightly.

He noticed her eyes divert slightly to his lips as she leant forward the tiniest amount. Oh god. Was she going to kiss him? He needed to stay focussed. He moved back from her, despite not really wanting to. His movement caused her eyes to flash back to his, a look a sadness in them at his rejection but he tried his best to pretend it didn't happen. "Why would you be glad to have met me?" Stiles joked as he tried his best to lighten the mood. "Because...i don't know Stiles...You're different to any guy I've ever met..." Lydia confessed as she looked at him with doe-like yes. "Yeah? in what way?" He asked her, playing dumb as he she smiled at him. "Well for one you're actually a gentlemen, you treat me like an actual person, not a piece of meat and i actually feel safe around you." She replied with a grin as he smiled back. "Yeah? Well you can't have met many decent guys." Stiles commented quickly as she let out a humourless laugh. "No. No I haven't..." She stated sadly as she dropped her gaze.

"Y-You erm haven't ever had a decent boyfriend then?" Stiles spoke lightly but he knew deep down why he was really asking her that. She looked back up at him expectantly, a playful glint in her eyes as she spoke. "Erm no actually. I've only ever really had one real boyfriend and he was this guy from high school...he was total douchebag of course. I'm pretty sure I only dated him because i had no clue how a guy should really treat me... since then I've never really had the time for a boyfriend, not with my career." She said solemnly as Stiles nodded in return. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that..." He replied honestly as he fiddled with his fingers in his lap. "Well how about you...?" Lydia asked him suddenly, a small smirk sat on her face as he looked at her with a confused expression "Huh...?" He spoke involuntarily as she giggled at his reaction. "Oh come on Stiles, how many girlfriends you had then?" She asked him cheekily, as he raised his eyebrows at her slightly.

"Ohhh erm...I've never really had one..." He lied as she pushed his shoulder playfully. "Stiles. Don't lie, there is no way that a guy as good-looking and decent as you hasn't had at least one girl pondering after him." Lydia laughed as Stiles smirked, blushing lightly at her compliment. "Okay, I mean there was this one girl...but she was never officially my girlfriend... in the academy...she was erm my first love i guess..." He said awkwardly as Lydia pouted at him slightly. "Oh. Pretty was she?" She asked, her tone slightly high pitched as her question seemed to hold a hidden agenda. "Yes very...." Stiles answered honestly with a soppy smile as Lydia scoffed at him. "Yeah yeah okay you can stop drooling now." She complained, a slight hint of jealousy in her voice as she pushed into his shoulder playfully with her own. "Okay okay...well anyway we didn't really work out so it doesn't matter anyway." Stiles chuckled, but inside, his memories pained him. "Oh? Did she dump you?" Lydia teased as he smiled at her, shaking his head. "No...she erm...well we weren't really allowed to date each other at the academy anyway..." Stiles said, diverting the topic as Lydia squinted her eyes at him slightly, she knew he was keeping something from her but she didn't push it.

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