Part 2

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"Okay we need new cameras set up there, there and there. We definitely need a new front gate, new intercom, new bullet proof windows. Some added security on each door and maybe some guard dogs on the grass at the front?" Stiles spoke quickly as he walked around, pointing to several areas as an assistant followed him pitifully. They walked out into the warm summer sun, as Stiles rushed down the stairs outside speedily with ease, the assistant trailing after him as he struggled to keep up, while he wrote down everything he said. Stiles walked forward purposefully, spotting Liam across the garden as he planted some flowers. "Okay we also need someone positioned here, accessing every vehicle who even come through these gates. And i want a new chauffeur hired." Stiles said with finality as he looked up at the balcony that was attached above to the left of the main entrance. Lydia stood looking out on it, looking down at him in frustration as she clearly heard what he said. She wore a deep red dress that flowed down elegantly to her calves, and her hair was done up in a updo that left small curls framing her face.

As soon as they locked gazes, she rushed down the stairs attached to the balcony down the side, meeting him quickly where he stood. "Annddd that staircase attached to the balcony has got to go! There should be no easy access up there from outside." Stiles said with a smile as the apprentice wrote it down hastily. Lydia huffed in front of him as a permanent scowl sat on her face. "I hope i didn't just hear you right. Why are you ruining my home?" She asked him defiantly as she crossed her arms across her chest, making her cleavage show more. "I'm not sweetheart. This is just what real security looks like." He replied cockily as she groaned at him. "No, you're making the place look a mess, plus there is no way in hell that I'm changing my chauffeur. Deaton has always been my chauffeur and I've never had any problems with him." She stated obviously as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Maybe so, but he is old and not as observant as he once was. Don't get me wrong he can stay on as another member of your staff, but not your driver. Your driver needs to be quick, agile, alert, he is none of those things anymore." Stiles replied matter of factly as he squinted up at the sun, avoiding her obvious glaring. "Are you kidding me? No. You don't get to decide who i keep on in my staff and who i don't." Lydia yelled at him as he finally met her gaze, his patience thinning. "Erm actually I do. I'm your bodyguard and your new chief of security, your protection is my ultimate priority, and when there is someone after you, it's more important than ever to up your security. You could die don't you get that?!" He shouted back at her in agitation as she rolled her eyes at him. "Yes but-" Just as she tried to argue back, Derek and Jackson reappeared, joining them near the steps. "Well what's going on over here? I hope you two are getting along." Derek's calming sarcasm sounded quickly from beside him as Stiles turned to him with a fed up expression.

"Yes." "NO!" They both spoke at the same time as they turned to look each other after they realised. "Oh what's up my sweet?" Jackson asked her in a baby voice as Stiles crossed his arms, rolling his eyes at his fussy reaction. "This jackass is ruining my home. Why is he screwing everything up?!" She cried at him as Stiles and Derek exchanged a look. A look that screamed frustration from Stiles but Derek gave him a weak smile to stay focused. "I'm doing my job, you people have no security whatsoever." Stiles replied bitterly as he watched Jackson hug Lydia, his hands wandering lower than they should in a way that made him want to vomit. He didn't understand their relationship at all. "Look sweetie remember you have to let him do his job, he's here to help. And once they catch this creepy nutjob then you won't have to deal with him anymore okay?" Jackson said in a sickly voice as he calmed her, pulling away from her but keeping a grip on her hands.

Lydia looked at Stiles up and down briefly, her gaze burning holes into him before she released a breath. "Fine. Well I'm off to rehearse, he's driving me crazy." She spitted back meanly before sauntering off back inside. Stiles groaned internally, this girl was a nightmare, he'd never had a client so difficult. "Take it easy on her, she struggles with change." Jackson said quietly as he finally turned to face them. "Yeah that's obvious." Stiles responded back sarcastically as Derek gave him a warning glance. "Anyway, I'm glad she's gone cause i need to show you something important." Jackson stated quickly, his demeanour changing, peaking his interest. With a curt nod, they followed Jackson inside as he headed upstairs, towards a room on the left. "Okay this is one of her bedrooms, it's barely used and mainly used for photoshoots but the other day...someone broke in here." Jackson said solemnly as they entered the room. The floor was  bright cream carpet, that barely looked used and in the middle of the room was a bright fourposter bed that was head to toe in a red silk like material.

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