Part 16

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For the first time in ages, Stiles felt like he actually got a decent amount of sleep, he was so comfortable, he almost forgot where he was. He was naked. He looked down as he saw Lydia, also lying naked next to him as she was curled into him. Her head was on his chest as she slept peacefully, as she rose and fell with each one of his breaths. She looked effortlessly beautiful. Bright white light shone through the window as Stiles wondered what time he was. He suddenly felt anxious to that they'd get caught but he didn't want to move just yet. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, bringing her into him more, kissing her forehead lovingly, as she hummed happily at it, but didn't wake. He was sure this was what true happiness felt like, he thought back to last night, to them sleeping together, he still felt like he was on euphoric high from it as he smiled down at her. The more he woke up, the more his body seemed to remember his injuries from the night before as he ached everywhere. After this, he was attached to her more than ever, he was stupid for ever thinking he could let her go, she was only ever going to be truly safe with him. He understood that now.

Lydia suddenly stirred in her sleep, stretching into him as she finally woke up, fluttering her eyes open. "Morning!" She chirped up at him as he couldn't help but smile at her. "Heyy you're up!" He grinned back as she moved her head to look at him more. "I was worried you wouldn't have been here, that you would've left whilst I was asleep." Lydia said with a slight frown as she moved her head back some more, as he furrowed his eyebrows at her. "I wouldn't do that." He reassured her as she nodded back at him. "Last night were...god..." Lydia struggled to get her words out properly, a blush still on her cheeks, as he laughed at her, he knew exactly what she meant. "I know. It was good for me too." He grinned at her as she grew embarrassed. "I can't say I've ever had sex with a client before." He joked as she gave him a funny look. "A client?" She spat back as he rolled his eyes, knowing she was joking. "You know what I mean." He stretched out his legs as she laughed. "Well I'd hope not, I don't want there to be others." She replied as he chuckled at her, turning into her as he met her gaze. He reached forward, cupping her cheek gently with his hand. "There isn't, never has been. You know there is only you. I've never broke the rules like this with anybody else." He reassured her, making her smile sweetly as he moved forward, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, one that she melted into.

"I've never felt so safe than I do with you right now." She commented as he watched her happily. "Yeah?" He asked as he pulled her back into him so they were cuddling once again. "Yeah, I don't think anyone could get past you." She said as he shook his head lightly. "Well right now, I don't think it would be so hard, my guard is down." He admitted slightly sadly as she looked back up at him. "I don't believe that, I don't think you ever bring your guard down, not properly anyway, I bet even right now you're still on high alert to make sure nothing happens." She explained as he sighed quietly. "Yes, I never want anything to happen to you." He replied honestly as she traced small gentle circles onto his chest with her hand. Her fingers traced up to his collarbone where a hickey lay. "Mmm I seem to left a mark on you..." she hummed happily as he looked down at it the best he could. "That's okay, I probably left some on you too, I don't mind." He smiled ecstatically.

"What happens now?" She asked, taking him by slight surprise as he glanced up at her. "What do you mean?" He asked back even though he was sure he already knew. "Well if you get officially appointed as my bodyguard again, we can't see each other, can we?" She asked, sadness in her voice as he thought for a moment. "No." He spoke softly, his emotions all over the place as he thought about giving this all up, not getting to wake up next to her, kiss her, be with her like he was last night. But he had no choice, he couldn't leave her, he had to be her bodyguard, it was the only way he could keep her truly safe.

"I'm not going to leave you again though, I won't." He reassured her as he saw tears prick her green eyes. "But we can't be together?" She said quietly as he nodded solemnly. "No, not in the way we want to, but I told you that last night, it was just this one time we were able to." He admitted as she sniffed slightly. "It sucks." Her answer was brief and nothing but the truth as he nodded, pulling her in closer to him as he pulled her on top of him, now lying on his back. "I know, it honestly kills me that I won't get to be with you, but it's my job, I have no choice." He said back sadly as she finally nodded as she knew they had no choice. "You're the best guy I've ever known, you know that." She mumbled back as he could tell she was upset. "Yeah?" He asked hopefully, a pretty smile on his lips that showed his cheekbones adorably. "Yeah, I don't think I could ever want anyone else but you..." she said as he sighed. Everything just hurt too much. "I understand, I only want you too but we have no choice, and I mean you'll probably have to move on eventually." He suggested as she looked up at him with wide eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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