Part 15

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Stiles slid himself under her bed, lying flush with the cold wooden floor and he waited patiently, the plan was in motion. He could feel Lydia shuffling slightly on top and he could almost sense how nervous she was, but they had to do this, it was the only way. After a few moments, there was some footsteps that could be heard ascending the stairs. Stiles instantly felt his rage burn inside of him and he heard a small whistling tune from Jack before he reached Lydia's door. Lydia's heart quickened as Jack stood outside in the dark hallway, his pitch black shadow looking even more ominous as he rested his arms against the door frame.

"Lydia Lydia are you doing up here...?" His voice was sickly smooth and full of hidden agenda as he just invited himself into her room. Stiles swore he could hear Lydia holding her breath and he instinctively tightened his grip on his gun. "I-I'm fine..." Lydia's voice was timid and small and it made Stiles heart break for putting in this situation. Flirt with him. Flirt with him. Was all the Stiles could think of as he laid in wait. Jack stepped forward, walking towards her slowly but confidently before he reached her bed. Stiles stared at his feet, the idea of stabbing him in the foot was desirable, but he restrained himself. "God, do you always look this good when you're in bed?" He chuckled darkly to himself as he took a seat on the silky covers next to her. It took all Stiles had not to kill him then and there. "I'm um very t-tired so I-I should probably get s-some sleep..." Stiles could hear the nervousness in her voice as she spoke and he knew she was recording and saying what she could so it wouldn't seem like she was 'provoking him'. He couldn't even believe that was a thing in court, it disgusted him. "Hmm I'm not sure about that see, you've been teasing me all day, I know you've been wanting me to come see you. Have you been waiting up for me?" His voice was low and sinister and Lydia seemed to be trying not to panic.

"I-I really don't know what you're t-talking about i-" she attempted to protest but he reached forward, placing a finger on her lips, shutting her up. "You don't need to lie to me Lydia, I know you want me...c'mere..." he moved forward quickly, placing his lips on hers as she quickly panicked, pushing him away. "No stop! I don't want to kiss you!" She shouted this time as Stones just shook his head, her rejection and outburst clearly making him angry. "Oh but I think you do! You see as your bodyguard Lydia, I am entitled to some owe me for protecting it the 'protection fee'..." he replied slimily, but this time as Lydia shook her head, he grabbed her, moving with ease on top of her as he pinned her down on the bed. Jack now straddling her harshly. This sent Lydia into a real panic as she began to scream. "NO NO STOP!! HELP HELP STILES HELP ME PLEASE!!" She screamed in fear as Stones chucked callously at her. "He's not here he can't save you..." but just as he spoke, Stiles jumped out from under the bed, holding his gun to him. "Think again, Dick." The scene in front of him was enough to make his stomach turn as Stones covered Lydia's mouth, tears falling down her face as she looked at him with wide eyes.

Just as Jack turned towards him, Stiles punched him hard in the face, taking him by surprise and knocking him off her. Whilst he fell in pain, Stiles grabbed Lydia quickly as she fought for his touch, reaching out desperately as she practically jumped to him, her breathing was rapid. Stiles clung to her like his life depended on it, as tears fell down her cheeks. "It's okay, it's okay I've got you, I'm here..." he whispered in her ear as he embraced her, attempting to soothe her slightly, hating how upset she was. Her breathing was shaky as she clung to him whilst he still held his gun out towards Stones. Jack turned to face them, sitting on the bed as he clutched his now bloody nose. "Well well well someone just can't leave well enough alone can they?" He sneered at them, a sinister smile on his lips as he grinned at Lydia. Stiles could feel how terrified Jack made her as she shuffled into him more like she was trying to get even closer, if it was even possible.

"I'm NOT going anywhere." Stiles retorted back coldly as Stones laughed callously at him. "Hmm you two seem pretty close..." Jack looked at the way she clung to him, his hand on her waist as he finally realised. "Ohhh of course! It all makes sense now. You got involved, didn't you!? That's why you stepped down! That's why you're so damn protective of her!" Stiles glared at him as he spoke as he didn't once lower the gun from Jacks body. Jack stood up, stepping closer as Stiles immediately shuffled them both back, away from him. "Oh so did you just get there first? Is that it? Did she put out for you? Is that why you wouldn't go near me huh sweetheart? Is she yours?" He spoke grossly, glaring at Lydia as she sobbed slightly. "DON'T talk to her! Don't even fucking look at her!" Stiles yelled back as Stones just smirked. "Wow very protective aren't you? this is why you stepped down from the job isn't it? You wanted her? Is that all it took to take down the infamous Stiles Stilinski? A pretty girl? well i mean I can't say I ever expected that from The Great Stiles Stilinski but from looking at her, I can't say I blame you either!" He snapped back meanly as Stiles death stared at him. But before he could respond, Jack stepped towards them suddenly, "oh come on baby, you'll put out for him but not for me?!" He sneered at her creepily making her breathing hitch as Stiles immediately lost it. Stiles let her go, moving her instantly and safely behind him as he lunged at Jack. He tackled him to he floor with ease as Lydia gasped in shock.

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