Part 3

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Stiles rushed off, following the same path that he remembered Lydia running off in. He ran upstairs as he remembered what Derek has said about a little room that she liked to think in. He did the stairs two at a time before running down a corridor, past countless rooms until he reached a small red door at the end. He knocked lightly on it, awaiting a response but there was no answer. He opened the door slowly, carefully peaking around the corner. The room was bright and full of lights as a wall of windows existed on his left, letting the sun in. He entered the room slowly, looking around quickly as he spotted Lydia sat in a clear curved chair that hung on a chain from the ceiling. She her legs pulled to the side and was looking out the window.

"Lydia?" Stiles spoke softly than he did before, as he realised the fear she must be feeling right now. Lydia turned her head to him upon hearing his voice, like she was totally zoned out previously. Her eyes were red and her expression sad as she met his eyes, she looked completely fed up. "Stiles?...I won't lie, you're not who i expected..." She answered him honestly as he gave her a small smile. "Oh. Sorry to disappoint you... I just erm was worried about you..." He replied with a gentle voice as he walked towards her, his demeanour different and more relaxed. She tilted her head at him slightly, her eyes now holding a playful glint, as a small smile sat on her face, but Stiles could tell that she was still terrified. "Oh? You was worried? Do you always get this worried about your 'clients'?" She asked him with a smug smile, throwing him off as deep down he knew she was right. He stepped back from her slightly, determined to not let her shake him like this. "Erm... no-I mean yes of course. I worry about all my clients, their safety is my upmost concern." Stiles replied in a monotone voice as he recalled back to his initial training.

Lydia hummed in response at him, the small smile still tugging at her lips like she didn't completely believe him but she was satisfied with his response. She stood up suddenly, walking towards the large windows as she crossed her arms across her chest. Stiles stood behind her, unsure of what to really say but she spoke first. "You know this was the first house i bought when i was 17? I bought it for my mom, she said out of all the houses we had looked at, this one captured the sun in a way she said was rare." Lydia explained solemnly as she seemed deep in her thoughts. Stiles scrunched up her face slightly at her, unsure of why she was even telling him all this, but he waited for her to carry on. "...I stayed here for her, like it made me closer to her somehow...and now its not even safe anymore." Lydia stated in sad frustration as she quickly spun around on her heels, facing him with teary eyes.

"Lydia, I'm sorry this is happening to you but I promise you, i will keep you safe, i will make this place safe again." He promised her as he stepped closer. "Okay okay...I promise i will not fight you anymore on my security if you make sure to keep me in the loop from now onwards, i want to know anything and everything that happens here." Lydia stated boldly as Stiles nodded at her. "Deal. You know I don't like arguing with you, all i want to do is my job." Stiles replied honestly as she gave him a look that he couldn't quite place. "Well do your job then...keep me safe." Lydia responded softly before heading past him and out the door. Stiles shook his head slightly, he felt slightly confused and he wasn't even sure why. Whatever it was, he needed to stay focused, he needed to focus on his job.

Stiles had awoken early the next day, making sure to stay busy as the mansion was bustling with people coming in and out with renovation. "Hey YOU!" Stiles spun on his feet with ease as he come face to face with his caller, it was Liam. "Hello Liam." Stiles spoke calmly as Liam gave him a confused look. "Your name is Stiles Stilinski! You're the new bodyguard here, you lied to me, you told me that your name was Frank Farmer...that you was a lawyer?!" Liam complained at him as Stiles chuckled at the young boy. "Yes I did and YOU believed me even though i showed you no proof, no ID, no nothing. I was proving a point." Stiles responded smartly as Liam stood, looking at him dumbfounded for a moment before speaking. "Ohhh i see. That's smart." Liam said like an amazed child. "Uh huh." Stiles responded cockily as he looked around, quickly spotting Lydia about to leave through the big gates.

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