Part 12

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Stiles quickly headed outside as he lightly jogged through the gardens, spotting Derek near the gate chatting to some staff members. "Derek! Hey!" Stiles called out to him and Derek quickly spun around giving him a warm smile. "Stilinski hey! Everything alright?" His voice was light and cheery and Stiles instantly regretted starting the conversation. "Erm yeah there anyway that i can chat to you for a private?" Stiles asked cautiously as Derek gave him a confused glance before nodding as they walked away to a quieter spot. "What's up?" Derek asked him quickly, his voice was lower now, more serious as he seemed to have figured out that something was up. "Erm yeah i mean no okay...i have no idea how to phrase this well so i'm just going to come out a say it. I'm stepping down...from the job. I want you to call the agency tomorrow and have them send up a replacement for Lydia's bodyguard." Stiles said hastily, finally glad to get it off his chest but Derek seemed shocked for a moment before he began laughing hysterically.

"Oh yeah good one Stilinski!" Derek joked as Stiles looked at him in confusion. "Wha-What?" His voice cracked slightly at Derek's unexpected reaction. "You're joking....You're joking right?" Derek suddenly stopped laughing as he awaited an answer from him. "No erm...I'm actually being deadly serious Sir. I am stepping down." Stiles answered but the look on Derek's face quickly terrified him. "Are you being serious? Stilinski, there is no way in hell I'm letting you do that." Derek turned angry quickly as he yelled at him. "What?! And why not?" Stiles voice was full of frustration as he stood with his hands on his hips facing the larger and older man. "Stilinski, i requested you for this job personally, You're the best at what you do and we both know it. You are the only one capable of catching this stalker, so there is no fucking way that I'm going to allow you to be replaced with some stuck up goody two shoes rent-a-agent who is only doing this for the money and fame. I know you care about this job, i know you care about your clients, probably more than you should, you take this job seriously and think about things clinically and intelligently, which is more than any other agent I've ever seen. I can't let you do this." Derek finished exasperated as he stared down the boy.

Stiles was stunned for a moment as he stood processing. Everything he had said was true, but not anymore. "But Sir listen to me...please...Okay i've made a mistake...I-I got to close to her, client, I shouldn't have and i know i promised you i wouldn't but it just happened. I broke the basic rules of being a bodyguard. And of course i want to stay, all i care about is protecting her and catching this fucking psycho but i can't, not like this. I'm not at my best, i can't focus on doing my job not when she is around...and since her security is all that matters, i think someone else should take my place." Stiles explained solemnly as Derek gave him a concerned look. Derek sighed heavily, taking a moment to pause before speaking, "Stiles...I know...i mean i kinda guessed from the way you two were with each other, i mean I've seen you with clients before but I've never seen you act the way you did with her, you were different and you two seemed to be always together and i get that this does compromise your position as her bodyguard but please...think about this. Because you know as well as i do that if you hire a new bodyguard that girl up there is pretty much dead because they will have no way in hells chance of catching this guy before he gets her, only you can do that and we know it." Derek stated matter of factly as Stiles exhaled heavily.

"You think so? I just don't know what to do anymore...i can feel how distracted and unfocused she makes me and of course i know she doesn't mean it but it shouldn't be this way...she deserves the best security available and that was me...but not anymore..." Stiles explained with a frown as Derek finally nodded. "Okay fine if that's how you feel, and i can't change your mind then I'll ring them up, but trust me when i say i really really don't agree with your decision." Derek shook his head at him before walking back towards the house, leaving him finally alone with his thoughts. Stiles paced for awhile as Derek phoned up the agency, his heart sick with worry as his heart felt like it was going 100mph. He felt so conflicted but he knew deep down this would be better, better than him losing her because he missed something due to being distracted.

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