Part 4

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Stiles eyes went wide as she finished speaking. She wanted him to do what!? "Erm...Lydia I-I-" Stiles struggled to speak, a small blush falling on his face, as Lydia watched him carefully. "No, not like that you horny ass, i meant like just stand in the doorway and turn your back, but the door...stays open." Lydia clarified quickly as Stiles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Oh...I see, okay no worries." Stiles replied quickly, embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Lydia headed towards the bathroom, turning the shower on before turning to face him as he watched her absent mindlessly. "Erm...Stiles you can turn around now..." The small girl spoke timidly and awkwardly as Stiles realised he was staring. "Oh shit, yep okay on it." Stiles rambled slightly as he turning around hastily in the doorway. He looked around the rest of the room as he heard her clothes drop to the floor and her get in, as she closed the glass doors.

Now Stiles Stilinski was a professional, always was, always has been, always will be, been trained since he was young but yet, he was still a guy. No matter how much he tried to fight it. He scorned himself internally, he was her bodyguard, nothing more. But the urge to turn around was definitely strong. Stiles Stilinski was raised a gentleman, and that is what he would be. He stood up straighter, swinging slightly on his heels as he tried to distract himself from the thought that there was a very beautiful and very naked girl behind him. Stiles had worked with plenty of women clients previously, young and old, but none seemed to have phased him as much as Lydia Martin did. Stiles turned his head slightly, the mirrors on the wall in the bathroom catching his peripheral vision as he focused on it for a brief second. The room was steamy, and so was the shower, he couldn't see much but the everything above the tops of her bare shoulders and her bare legs.

Just as he caught her in the mirror, she spoke suddenly, making him snap his head back to looking forward. "Well well, aren't you a gentleman?" Lydia teased him loudly over the sound of the shower, as she washed herself thoroughly. "I'm just doing my job." Stiles responded briefly, focusing his gaze on the large double bed in the other room. "Yeah i know but you're still a man, any other man i know would have at least sneaked a peak by now, but you? nothing. I'm almost insulted" Lydia replied back, her tone jokey, but Stiles couldn't help detect a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I'm not a creep." Stiles responded bluntly, dropping his gaze as he awaited her response. "Hmm no, no you're not." Lydia reiterated before he heard the shower switch off, and her step out. "Well you couldn't help me by handing me that towel next to you could you?" Lydia's teasing voice was coy and playful as Stiles felt his heart rate increase. Was she trying to kill him?

He turned ever so slightly, spotting the white towel on the counter next to him, he grabbed it quickly, opening it wide and lifting it in front of his face so he couldn't see, as he walked towards her with it. He handed it to her, closing his eyes immediately as she took it gently from him. She laughed at him in surprise as she wrapped herself in it. "You can open your eyes now." She said with a grin as she looked at him in surprise. "Oh, good." Stiles responded shyly as he opened them to see her with the white towel wrapped around her from under her arms, her long hair was soaking wet and down around her, her face bare of makeup but it was clear that she was still effortlessly beautiful. "Wow. Aren't you adorable?" Lydia said quickly, almost like she didn't mean to say it out loud. Stiles felt a slight brush creep up on his cheeks at her response and dropped his gaze. What was wrong with him? He was her bodyguard, nothing more. This was his job.

"I told you, I'm not here to perv on you, I'm here to protect you." He said, trying to seem more confident than he was. "Yeah i know, but you're a real gentleman and that's rare in men last bodyguard didn't seem as familiar with the term..." She trailed off, lost in memories, as Stiles felt a pang of frustration at the thought that her last bodyguard abused his role with her. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, truly. You should feel safest with your bodyguard, not worried that they will do something to you." Stiles replied honestly as she met his gaze with soft eyes. "Yes, you're right. If I'm being honest, I don't think I've felt real safety until i met you." She admitted quietly, taking him aback slightly. "Well I'm glad, all i want is for you to be safe." He spoke softly as he stepped aside, allowing her to walk back into the bedroom. Her wet feet padded softly on the cold wooden floor as she headed towards the wardrobe.

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