Part 5

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Stiles sat for awhile in his own thoughts as Lydia slept peacefully in front of him. He needed to clear his head, he needed to be smart. Whatever was going on only seemed to be getting worse since he had arrived, which only further confirmed his thoughts that someone close to her was the stalker. Stiles hated these sorts of situations, stalkers were obsessive, calculating and unpredictable and when they turned to murder like hers already had, he knew that it was only going to get worse. They weren't going to stop until they killed her or did what ever else they wanted to do to her. Stiles hated to think about it. He looked at her, her hair was around her in fluffy curls that were a big contrast to the whiteness of the pillowcases. Her long lashes fanned across her cheeks and her plump pink lips were in a small pout. Stiles had to admit, this girl was gorgeous, he couldn't really understand why anyone would want to hurt her. His previous clients had always been with famous politicians, high up business men and foreign royalty. No one should have to live in fear like that but it made sense to him why people would want to try and assassinate them, they had spent their lives pissing people off but her? What did she ever do?

"How did you get that scar?" Lydia's muffled voice spoke suddenly zapping him from his thoughts. "Huh?" He was totally zoned out and shook his head slightly to listen to her properly. "How did you get that scar on your shoulder?" She asked him again softly, her voice free of her usual arrogance and teasing. Stiles looked at his right shoulder, which was now exposed from the t-shirt he was wearing. A white crater like scar sat imbedded into his skin, he sighed lightly before he spoke. "Someone shot me a long time ago..." Stiles explained honestly as Lydia's eyes went wide. "Someone shot you?!" She asked him in surprise as she finally sat up in bed, clearly now wide awake. "Yeah...i was on a job once and erm my client had this assassin after him, we was in this large theatre house where he was doing this speech and i just was off stage. I spotted a sniper in the upper stands and i ran to protect my client, but the guy clipped me...i don't remember what happened much after but my client told me it bled like crazy!" Stiles chuckled lightly as he pulled his t-shirt down a little in an attempt to cover it. 

Lydia looked at him with wide eyes as she listened intently to his story. "Wow. You wasn't kidding about taking your job seriously huh?" Lydia joked back lightly as he smiled at her. "Nope, not at all." He gave her a small smile before dropping his gaze. "I hope you don't mind me interrogating you but erm how old were you when that happened?" Lydia asked him cautiously, a serious tone now in her voice. "No its fine, don't worry. I was erm 17." Stiles admitted as her mouth opened in shock. "17!?!" She questioned him quickly as he released a small chuckle at her response. "Erm yeah it was one of my first jobs and it was a day before my 18th birthday, i remember my boss lied about my age to get me the job...but they definitely knew, i happen to be blessed with a baby face." Stiles laughed as Lydia gave him a little smile as she listened. "But i kinda loved it, i spent my 18th birthday in the hospital, it was definitely memorable." Stiles finished as Lydia laughed at him. 

"Wow, and I thought my 18th birthday was memorable because Beyoncé was there..." Lydia joked back as they both laughed. "So wait if your first job was when you was 17, how old was you when you went into the academy because people spend years there right? that can't have been legal!" Lydia stated bluntly as Stiles chuckled at her. "Yeah i was definitely not old enough to be there, but i wouldn't change any part of my life." Stiles admitted as Lydia nodded at him, her face full of concern and intrigue. "Oh shit, wait, what time is it?" Lydia shouted quickly as she jumped out of bed hastily. Stiles checked his watch, "Erm like 3pm why?" he asked her in confusion as her eyes went wide. "3?! Oh fuck fuck fuck...I'm late for rehearsals i promised, god Jacksons going to kill me!" Lydia cried as she rushed towards the door, heading out. "Wait what? But Lydia wait!" Stiles called after her quickly as he ran from his chair to chase her. He seemed to barely know this girl but he somehow spent most of his time chasing her.

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