Part 14

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Stiles sat in his car just outside the main gate awaiting nightfall. He'd been waiting for a few hours, watching the new bodyguard do his rounds, watching in frustration at how he treated the staff, it was clear the guy was a douche and he would love more than anything to knock him flat out on his ass, but he sat quietly. Stiles felt furious, mostly irritated with himself at leaving in the first place, irritated that he had to leave her there with that dick, Irritated that he thought that she would be safer with anyone other than him. He was stupid for thinking otherwise. However, he knew that if he resumed his position as her bodyguard that they wouldn't be able to be together, but maybe that was the price he'd have to pay for keeping her safe. That was all that mattered to him, that was the job.

As night fell, Stiles hopped out of his car sneakily, his gun attached at his hip and a knife on the other side as he snuck around the wall, staying close to it to avoid the cameras, lucky for him, he knew their blind spots. As the camera moved, he moved with it, reaching the gate and jumping up and hoisting himself over it with ease. Once on the grounds, he ran quickly across it before spotting the guard dogs, luckily for him they knew him as they payed him no mind. He ran easily towards the mansion reaching the front of it and sticking close to the wall as he slid around to the side. Stiles stopped dead in his tracks, hiding inside a bush as he heard some night guards patrolling the area. He stayed deathly quiet as they walked right by him and he internally groaned at their incompetence. Once they had walked around the next corner, he set off once more, finding the side of the house which he knew the room Lydia would be staying inside. He looked around briefly before stepping backwards to get a better look at the window. He saw a ledge sticking out that connected to another window on the floor below and made a run up, jumping expertly and grabbing a hold on the ledge with his fingers before carefully pulling himself up. Once up, he made a leap for her room ledge as he managed to grab it with ease. He moved across slowly, noting the way the ledge seemed to be quickly crumbling under his fingers with his weight.

Stiles pulled himself up speedily as the ledge seemed extremely unstable, he clung to the side of the window as he peaked inside. Lydia sat in bed with no one around, it had to be now. He pushed the window open swiftly, pushing hard as he slipped in without a sound, as he quickly rushed to Lydia's bedside. The room was dark with only the moonlight shinning through the window providing any light. Lydia opened her eyes at his movement towards her, her eyes immediately going wide as she instinctively opened her mouth to scream but he hastily covered it with his hand. "Lydia, it's's me!" He whispered at her as she sat up, her gaze wide as she finally saw him in better light and she immediately relaxed. "Stiles!? Oh my god! What are you doing here?!" She instantly rushed into his arms, as he held her tightly in an embrace. "Lydia you really think i would leave you here? with him? there's no way, i know he's not right...he didn't do anything to you did he...?" He asked her suddenly, his voice low and full of concern as she moved back from their hug.

Lydia stayed silent for a moment, deep in thought as she dropped her gaze. The moonlight lit up her face beautifully as her hair seemed to glow like a halo around her head. "Lydia...?" He asked her again, his voice now full of worry and disgust as he thought what this guy could have possibly done to her. He lifted his hand up, cupping her cheek as his thumb traced her cheek bone gently. She seemed to rest her head on him as soon as he touched her and he felt glad that she was no longer mad with him. "No...not exactly...he's just been doing these little touches here and there and making a lot of dirty jokes about me...but i know he's just playing it safe for his first night, i know he's going to try eventually. I mean when i showed him around he already tried to kiss me..." Lydia stated bleakly as her voice cracked slightly as she became upset. Stiles felt his rage burn inside of him as he thought about this creep even putting his hands on her. "I knew it! That fucking dick! I knew he was wrong...I'm sorry i shouldn't have left you with him, i shouldn't have stepped down at all...I'm just sorry..." Stiles whispered solemnly as Lydia looked at him with sad eyes.

"Stiles Stiles look at me? It's okay i understand i was my fault i shouldn't have been flirting and trying to make you was so stupid." Lydia replied as Stiles finally met her eyes. "NO. Don't say that, you're allowed to act however you want to doesn't meant you deserve to be accosted like that, no one does. He's just an entitled jackass." Stiles explained as she gave him a weak smile. "B-But Stiles...What are we going to do about him?" She asked him timidly as he dropped his hands. "Look its okay i have a plan alright, something Derek said. He told me that the new bodyguard can only be forced to leave if you have evidence against him that he's been doing horrible things to you or that he leaves off his own accord." Stiles stated briefly as Lydia gave him a confused look. "Well that's never going to happen...he already seems to love it here." She replied sadly as he nodded at her. "I know but you can get evidence against him!" He said in a hushed tone as Lydia's eyes went wide. "What! Me? Are you crazy? How would I do that without him finding out?!" She complained at him as Stiles shuffled closer, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Look you said you think he's planning something right? and a guy like that? He'll probably be back soon and all you have to do is play into it and flirt a little so he tries something. He probably will, he can't help himself, he's too cocky. But all you have to do is as soon as he comes in, record him on your phone and video him." Stiles explained but even he knew it was risky. Lydia shook her head at him, "What! No, what if he finds it, he will hurt me." Lydia protested as Stiles raised both of his hands, cupping her cheeks as he lifted her head so she was matching his eyes. "No no, Lydia don't worry i will be right here okay, under the bed and if anything happens i will come out and stop him, i promise, i will never let him hurt you!" Stiles responded confidently as Lydia took a deep breath. "I'm scared Stiles." Lydia said with a cracked voice which made his heart hurt. Those words. With that voice. Frightened him more than anything. "Lydia i will never let anything happen to you. I will be right here. Honestly, I'm so sorry it has to be this way and that I'm asking you to do this but it's the only way. We have to get rid of him." He stated softly as he moved closer to her so they were inches apart. "Okay. I'll do it. I know I must." her voice was quiet and fragile and Stiles hated the plan but he didn't know how else to get rid of him.

They stayed for a moment in a comfortable silence before he reached forward connecting their lips gently as Lydia let out a little hum at his contact. Their lips moved together perfectly for a few moments as she moved her hands up, wrapping around his neck as she brought him down to her level. Stiles finally pulled away, despite not wanting to, but he needed to be careful, they couldn't get distracted, it was too dangerous. Lydia's eyes seem to reflect the moonlight as she kept her eyes on his, occasionally dropping them to his lips, which only made him want to kiss her again. "I missed that..." Lydia said under her breath as she smiled at him and he chuckled lightly at her response. "Me too...I'm sorry that i kept messing you about..." He said as his smile quickly dropped. "No, I'm sorry. I was the one being a pain. I know its your job, i understand that now. I actually think I took you for granted. I was being daft. But right now, all i want is for you to be my bodyguard again." She admitted as he smiled at her before nodding. "Okay let's do this yeah?" He sat back from her as she nodded quickly, a new found determination in her eyes.

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