Part 7

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Once they were done shopping, the girls headed towards a small café to grab a drink before it got too dark. Stiles sat on the table next to them, not really wanting to intrude on her privacy. "So...?" Allison asked Lydia suggestively as Lydia gave her a confused expression. "What?" Lydia asked playing dumb as the dark brunette rolled her eyes. "Oh come on Lydia, look at him...he is gorgeous and you should be all over him." Allison explained in a hushed whisper, as the other girls giggled at her. Lydia sighed as she subtly snuck a glance at him, which wasn't really that subtle as he could still hear their entire conversation. Stiles looked around the area, keeping an eyes out and trying to act unbothered but he was still half listening. "Ali...He's my bodyguard, he's there to protect me." Lydia stated as Kira gave her a playful shove. "Erm yeah and what better way to keep you safe than to be in bed with you?" Kira joked as Lydia gave her a faux shocked expression. "Oh my gosh you guys shut up." She replied back in embarrassment, as she blushed hard.

"Oh come on Lydia, stop being coy, I mean have you seen the way he looks at you? He looks at you like he would jump in front of a bullet for you, I would kill for a guy to look at me like that. Like I don't think he's taken his eyes off you once." Allison said dreamily as Lydia gave her a friendly whack. "Yeah he looks at me like that because it's his job dummy, he doesn't fancy me, he's getting paid." Lydia protested as Allison shook her head with a groan. "Listen bitch, I met your last bodyguards and none of them ever looked at you the way he does, its insane. And i mean that last one you had spent 90% of his job staring at your ass. Plus, excuse me, you're hot as fuck. Why would he not fancy you?" Allison said as she played with a curl of Lydia's hair. "Whatever guys, he's a professional, he maybe good looking...extremely good looking actually...(Stiles looked down, a blush clearly present on his cheeks as he heard what she said and he tried his best to hide it.)...But he's clearly like dedicated to his job and that's all, so nope, definitely won't happen." Lydia stated briefly but her voice seemed almost disappointed.

Stiles looked up as he watched Lydia. She actually thought he was attractive? the thought surprised him but he tried his best to push it away, he can't let anything distract him now. His job was to be her bodyguard, that's it. Like Derek said, he knew better than to get involved with his clients. He looked around nonchalantly before looking at the windows near the entrance, a guy in all black stood, watching in, quickly caught his eye. The guy was staring directly at Lydia and he wasn't moving. Stiles sat up straighter, peaking around to try to get a better look at the man, but it was impossible, the guy was wearing a black hoodie and black pants and had his hood all the way up, covering 99% of his face. This had to be him, but Stiles knew he couldn't be sure, this was America after all, there were a lot of creepy guys that would stand staring at girls through windows, especially if those girls happened to look like Lydia and her friends.

Stiles rose from his seat slowly, which seemed to catch Lydia's attention as she gave him a bewildered expression, before following his gaze. Her eyes going wide, as she too spotted the creepy man. Stiles looked down at her, raising his hand to indicate to her to stay put before he walked closer to the guy. She understood immediately, as she carried on talking to her friends to not worry them. As soon as Stiles moved, the guy took off, making Stiles chase after him. He quickly ran out the shop and into the crowds of people in the streets. He ran on a little further in the direction the guy ran, but as soon as he spotted him, someone ran straight into him, knocking him and making him disorientated. He straightened up quickly, looking back at where the guy was but now he seemed to almost disappear in the hoards of people rushing around. Stiles punched the air in frustration at losing this guy twice, before he returned quickly to the girls. He leant down next to Lydia, whispering in her ear. "We need to" He said in a hushed breath as she turned to look at him, so their faces were inches apart. He noticed her eyes drop to his lips for a millisecond before she nodded in agreement.

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