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chapter one: THE MEETING

IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SPRING morning, and as I was walking down the street to the campus of my university, I could not help but admire the waking nature I witnessed while strolling with a cup of coffee in my hand

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IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SPRING morning, and as I was walking down the street to the campus of my university, I could not help but admire the waking nature I witnessed while strolling with a cup of coffee in my hand. I was wearing the most ridiculous outfit – a pink crop-top with strings and a baby blue skirt and kitten heels – but it didn't matter because at least I was comfortable. I tried my best not to spill the coffee I was carrying as both of my hands were occupied, one of the cups I decided to bring to Rue, who was also an Omega like me and who was my best friend since we were little. Not only were our families friendly with one another, but we also went to the same all-Omega middle school and high school.

I found Rue near the auditorium of their morning class, she was reviewing her notes and scribbling feverishly in the margins.

"Good morning," I said, beaming up at her.

Rue looked up and sighed, taking the caramel macchiato from my left hand. She looked nervous and a little chaotic – her hair was all over the place, and her clothes were wrinkled, but it seemed coffee was helping her a bit.

"You're a saver," she murmured gratefully, taking a sip and closing her eyes from pleasure. "Perfect." Then she looked me up and down. "I thought you said you were studying all night?"

I nodded. We were both second-year English literature students. Rue was always the one to start studying the night before the exam, but I had to admit that she was a much better student at university than in high school.

"I was. I love Emily Dickinson." We were studying XIX century American poetry and today, we had a test on Emily Dickinson. "So it wasn't that hard to force myself to study." I actually loved this subject but never fancied bragging about it in front of others, especially Rue, who found it all to be quite difficult.

Rue eyed me warily.

"You still look stunning. As if you had beauty sleep or somethin'."

I drank my coffee because I didn't know what to say.

"And I'm pretty sure you'll get 100%, just like you always do," Rue continued. "I honestly can't understand how you do all of this – living with your posh parents, being the most beautiful and the most intelligent girl ever...

I smiled. I was neither the smartest nor the most beautiful girl, in fact, I just loved fashion, and a few exceptional female writers, nothing else, but I did love it when Rue complimented me. "I'm just trying to do my best," I admitted. And it was true, for the most part. "And you yourself are the coolest person alive, so we're equal." Then I looked around nervously. "Where is Jules? Shouldn't she be here by now?"

Rue yawned and shrugged her shoulders.

"I've no idea."

I raised my eyebrows.

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