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[author's note: a long awaited Nate chapter yayyyy]

chapter eleven: BUT NATE DOESN'T HAVE A CAT

NATE JACOBS KNEW IT WAS ridiculous, of course it was ridiculous, but he couldn't have done it any other way because that would mean not doing it at all

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NATE JACOBS KNEW IT WAS ridiculous, of course it was ridiculous, but he couldn't have done it any other way because that would mean not doing it at all. And his Omega just happened to be sneaking around at the exact time she should've been sleeping. And right after he specifically told her to stay away from his office and his business. So it was her fault she was now lying unconscious in his bed just as much as it was his.

Christ, he really thought having an Omega in his house again would be easy, would be simple, even comfortable. Why did he ever think that? Yes, he did have a wife some years ago, yes, she was an Omega and yes, they both used to live in this very same house before she was murdered by his enemies but what of keeping an Omega was ever easy or simple? It was just a headache, nothing else. And he was now a different man than he was seven years ago when he married Marianne. He had an edge now. He no longer smiled. All he cared about was business. And he wasn't scared to get his hands dirty. He grew thicker skin, one of the reasons for this was Marianne's murder – it forced him to become stronger but also less sympathetic.

So why, why did he decide this was a good idea? Yes, his intentions weren't pure and yes, it was somehow related to his beloved business, but still. He was thinking of how to make the old Howard finally give up and stop pestering Nate every step of the way for maybe two years. Since nothing else he did ever work, he thought of doing something personal, something that would really hit the spot of the old Alpha's heart. After some digging Nate found out all about Howard's family. He had a wife Omega and two Omega daughters. Nate thought of kidnapping the wife but that seemed too bothersome, and he still hadn't forgotten the torturous things that were done to his own wife, and he just couldn't get that low. Then he thought about the oldest daughter, but she was already married and with child and Nate didn't want to get another Alpha involved here, that would also cause an unnecessary buzz all around.

So that left him with the youngest Howard daughter. When he went to Howard's house that day, he didn't plan to meet her but sometimes things like that just happened. And first, he scented her, and that scent was everything he could think about all those nights alone in his bed. He was still talking to Howard, but her presence overwhelmed his senses and he thought of all the terrible things he would do to her as soon as he could get his hands on her. But then he saw her – and all evil thoughts evaporated on the spot, at least for the time being. She was young, that was evident. But she also seemed so innocent, so inexperienced, so soft as if the moment he'd touch her, she'd fall apart. He got the urge to leave her be, to let her live her life in peace, not to corrupt her with his darkness. But the other side, the wicked side of his mind got the better of him and he now desired to take her, to claim her, to keep such treasure away from Howard to hurt him more, the way he had hurt him. Howard's sweet Omega daughter simply got in the way and became a part of Nate's plan.

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