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chapter twelve: CASSIE GETS A DEAL

I LAY IN MY BED LIKE  a limp doll for the rest of the day and night

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I LAY IN MY BED LIKE a limp doll for the rest of the day and night. I had no strength and no bravery left in my body to do anything at all. Martha would still bring me food to my room just like the first days after my heat when everything was still unknown and that's what frightened me. Now it was another thing. Nate Jacobs.

For however little sleep I got, I would dream of him, and it would always turn into bloody nightmares where he murders – sometimes someone else, once even me. I would wake up from these nightmares cold with sweat and panting heavily with tears in my eyes or running down my cheeks. I would get only a few hours of sleep, spending the rest of my waking hours whether during night or day staring blankly into the space before me. all hope was lots, I thought. I was living in the same house with a cold-blooded mafia Alpha who was also my mate and who kept me imprisoned in his house. To add to this, he also expected me to marry him at least on legal bases so that I could be bound to him in all ways possible – in all ways that mattered.

I knew I'd never see Dad, or Mom, or Lexi, or little Nia for that matter. Rue and Jules were also out of the question. Jacobs would never allow it. He stated his views clearly – if I didn't marry him on paper, he would keep me in this pathetic state for eternity. He clearly didn't feel sentimental towards me the way normal Alphas felt toward their Omegas. He was probably a psychopath or had some sort of empathy disorder – he only pretended to care about me when it was useful to him. The moment he didn't have to use his masculine charm to trap me, he showed me his real face. And right now it seemed I had uncovered another layer of him – a layer that could've stayed hidden forever if I hadn't come across it myself.

Jacobs didn't come to check on me, even though he lied before that he wanted to make sure I didn't have a concussion. It was probably something mild because I had headaches for days on and would vomit up everything I ate the next day. Not that he cared. Martha took care of me. She gave me pills for my headaches and made sure I drank water – the way Jacobs pretended to take care of me before. It was clear from Martha's behavior she really cared about me. Maybe just because she was Jacobs' employee and she had to care for me – if something happened, if I died or were crippled, it wouldn't be so nice for Jacobs either; we were mated, after all.

I realized marriage would happen eventually, too, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. But for now, it seemed I could at least postpone it, for a little while, if only just to piss Jacobs off. That was enough for the first few days – the notorious Alpha not getting what he wanted and all because of me. But right now I didn't even care about that. I've seen enough. I've heard enough. I've witnessed Nate Jacobs – my torturer, my captor, my mate, and the man I could not deny feeling immense desire towards – in his cruelest form, a real-life manifestation of all the cautionary tales about sadistic Alphas wanting to claim, to mate, and to throw away Omegas like me were taught since childhood. And his behavior on my account proved I was just a means to an end for him – for whatever end, I had no idea. Maybe all of it was just a twisted power play for him. That's what Alphas like him get off on, isn't it?

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