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JACOBS DID TAKE ME BACK to my room as if he thought I'd try to run away

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JACOBS DID TAKE ME BACK to my room as if he thought I'd try to run away. I wouldn't because I was already so full and tired, all I wanted was to go to sleep. Or maybe he thought I couldn't find my way back because I'm a stupid brainless Omega. Perhaps once again he pretended to be the kind caring Alpha like he did when he took me under his wing during my heat. Who knows.

I thought perhaps he'd want to lay in bed with me together, or won't let me stay alone in the room, maybe will even try to have sex with me, claiming me as his property to do as he pleases. But Jacobs did none of the sorts. He climbed the stairs at my side, opened the door to my room, and when he made sure I was tired, sleepy, and ready for bed, he nodded practically to himself and left without a word. No Thanks for joining me for dinner. No I'm sorry I couldn't explain why you had to spend practically two hours alone in your room because there were strange, mysterious mafia Alphas in my house. No Goodnight.

Of course not. What was I expecting? Jacobs was the Alpha of all Alpha's, and he answered to no one. He did what he wanted when he wanted to. That much I heard people in my Dad's circles speak, and the rest I witnessed in his deep and dangerous brown eyes, in his enormous figure, and in his cold and unwavering stance – he wasn't someone to mess with. He wasn't a nice guy. He wasn't the Alpha I'd ever see myself mated and in a relationship with. So, this whole situation was too painful and too absurd for me to handle. How will I be able to spend the rest of my life with this person?

As soon as he closed my bedroom door, I went to the bathroom before taking a funky pink pajama set from the closet. I planned to take a bath because I wasn't planning to stay in this house for too long, but this dinner changed my perspective. I was afraid I wouldn't be coming back home soon at all. And I was too tired to take a bath anyways. So, I just washed my face with whatever skincare products were there (not enough and not fit for my skin type, that's for sure), brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.

I fell asleep fairly quickly but sleep itself was not peaceful. I dreamt weird dreams that were borderline nightmares, but I couldn't remember what they were about when I woke up. All that left was this heavy, fearful feeling in my chest.

I woke up with a start and sat up in my bed. It was already morning, and the sun had risen above the horizon. I looked around, and at first, I thought I was at home, at my parents' house. But then realization dawned on me. The room looked like mine, but it wasn't. I was still at Jacobs'. I never left.

As I was getting accustomed all a new to my dreadful situation, there was a knock at my door. I groggily climbed out of bed to open it, hoping, no, dreading it would be Jacobs. But no, it wasn't him. It was Martha, the Beta female who worked for Jacobs. Apparently, she was doing the housework all over this place. I've seen her only once and only when I was in my dizzy heat state, but I nevertheless recognized her immediately.

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