c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n

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chapter seventeen: FASHION SHOW

"I have nothing to wear to your sister's baby shower," I said as we were eating breakfast the next morning

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"I have nothing to wear to your sister's baby shower," I said as we were eating breakfast the next morning.

Nate spared me a single glance. The corners of his lips raised slightly.

"I figured. Jason will take you shopping afterward if you're up for it."

"Who's Jason?" I asked.

"My partner. And my friend." His answer was short and precise.

I raised an eyebrow.

"So now you not only have a sister I've never heard about, but you also have friends?"

Nate didn't answer.

"Anyways, why can't you take me shopping yourself?" I asked again.

"I'm busy," was all he said.

I wanted to ask if he was too busy for his own Omega and remind him that I was here in the first place because that's what he wanted, but I managed to swallow that question.

"What if I try to run away?"

He looked me dead in the eye.

"You won't."


Jason turned out to be quite cool. He didn't ask me annoying questions, didn't stare at my outfit weirdly, didn't give me the side-eye, and listened to what I said attentively, even if I talked just to see his reaction. He reminded me of the typical Alpha, with his confident stance, black outfit, and a gun at his side. I didn't know if he'd report back my behavior to Nate, but I tried out his patience.

We went shopping for clothes, shoes, and jewelry here and there; sometimes I found and tried on a zillion things, sometimes even tried everything in the shop and didn't buy anything, and sometimes I bought a few things, but Jason never once said anything. He didn't tell me to hurry up, to make up my mind, or to skip out on that one boutique I wanted to check out. He didn't complain when he had to carry my bags or wait near the changing room while I tried on clothes.

Somewhere amid our day out, while we were driving in the car, I asked:

"So, how do you and Nate know each other?"

He thought for a few moments, staring at the road ahead, then answered:

"We were friends since childhood. Our families worked together."

"Oh, I see. Mafia connections."

Jason snarled.

"Literally everyone in this town is somehow connected to the mafia. Even the Howard family."

I sighed, "Yeah, I know. I mean, I always knew. Just now I'm more aware of it, I guess. By the way, how long do you work together?"

There was a moment of silence again.

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