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chapter sixteen: DINNER TIME

chapter sixteen: DINNER TIME

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I couldn't fall asleep. And I couldn't stay in his bed without him. When Nate left, I lay in his bed for about a minute, dumbfounded, not understanding what just happened. How did I manage to screw this all up? I got out of bed to go looking for him because he was still in rut but I was naked so firstly I went to my room to change into pajamas. Then I looked for Nate in the library. No one there. Then to the kitchen. Same thing.

I called out his name, asking him to come, to tell me what was wrong even though I knew what was wrong. This time I really fucked it all up. And Nate left the house to search for release elsewhere. The Omega part of my brain could not have been more upset. How could you do this to your Alpha? How could you use him like this? He will never love you after that.

I didn't know when Nate's rut started, but I knew it typically lasted for about twelve hours. A couple of hours and he should be back. I thought of going outside to look for him, but it was dark and cold. Most importantly, I just knew he wasn't anywhere around. He left. Hopped into his Mercedes and drove away. Probably to some other Omega that could satisfy him properly and not demand anything in return. That's what you should be like.

The ache in my heart that I felt after going back to my room and getting into my bed that felt so cold, so huge, and uninviting, was also my fault. I wanted to see my parents again, yes, that wasn't a bad thing in itself. But I could have done it in a better way, at different timing, not bursting into tears while he knotted me. I could have asked him the next morning. Or just had a normal conversation with him. Nate was deeply hurt, I could see him in his face and I hurt him when he was the most vulnerable. He may never forgive me for that.

I tossed and turned, but, eventually, I fell asleep.

I woke up from a knock at my door. When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining through the unclosed blinds. I groaned and sat up in bed.

"Come in," I said.

It was Martha who opened the door and said good morning.

"Hi, "I said, sounding under the weather. Martha went in with a trail of food that she put on my bedside table. "What time is it?"

"It's half–past one. You've slept in long enough."

Martha eyed me carefully.

"Is Mr. Jacobs home?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"No, he did not get back," she said, "but instructed me to inform you about a dinner tonight."

I frowned.

"A dinner?"

Martha nodded.

"He's inviting you to have dinner with him, Cassie," she clarified.

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