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chapter seven: TRUE COLORS

THERE WERE A COUPLE MORE instances like that in the upcoming two days and one night, as far as I could tell

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THERE WERE A COUPLE MORE instances like that in the upcoming two days and one night, as far as I could tell. In between my heat waves, Alpha would feed me fruit, once I even managed to finish a whole sandwich before the horniness of the moment took over. Alpha took care of me so well, making sure I was never hungry, not thirsty, and keeping me satisfied in all ways. He fucked me in all the most suitable positions for Omega in heat and made me feel loved, sated, and cared for. I could never dream of a better first heat experience.

I woke up from probably the fifth or sixth nap-sleep in those three days, feeling hot and sweaty, panting hard. I looked at Alpha, lying in bed next to me with his eyes closed, but he smelled my scent, heard my panting, and opened his eyes. He immediately took in my hot and bothered body and wrapped his hands around me tightly, whispering that it would be alright, and he was going to take care of me. These words, it turns out, were my favorite. Maybe because of what they meant, even if he didn't mean it. Or perhaps it was because he said it.

After all, he knew exactly where to touch me for me to see the stars and for my vision to turn blurry. He knew exactly what to say to make my brain and sense into a mush. He was so good at being Alpha.

Alpha immediately laid me flat on my back and positioned himself on top of me. He didn't waste any time and slammed his cock inside my pussy, making me scream with immense pleasure. He manhandled me so well, grabbing my thighs in his bruising grip and slamming me harder. If at first he had some self-control, as my heat went on, all of it was lost. I looked at his handsome face trying to keep my eyes on him and not turn away from the all-consuming pleasure he was providing me, as he had taught me, and I noticed his dilated pupils. He was looking at me, commanding me to submit with his gaze, and I did just that. He fucked me thoroughly, and all I could do was beg him to let me come.

"You want to come?" he asked, panting, his voice husky and strained. "Is that what you want?"

I nodded furiously.

"Yes, Alpha, please..."

Alpha kept on penetrating me with his cock, keeping up that torturous pace that made both of us breathe heavily.

"Then come for me, baby."

And I did just that. I screamed, I turned my head, and I arched my back. This all-consuming orgasm made all thoughts disappear from my head. I was gone, done for. Then Alpha came and filled me with his seed.

"Good girl," he praised, kissing me on the lips.

Then he laid down by my side with his knot inside me and sniffed my neck. I felt so exhausted all I could do was turn my head slightly and kiss his hair.

"I think it's about to be over," Alpha said, his voice serious. "Your heat, I mean."

I mumbled something incoherent and fell asleep immediately from exhaustion.

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