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chapter eighteen: BABY SHOWER


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"WHY ARE YOU DRIVING?" I asked. Nate and I were sitting in his black Mercedes, driving to his sister's baby shower. I was sitting in the passenger seat and Nate was behind the wheel.

He looked at me with his head slightly turned, but only for a moment, then stared back at the road ahead of us.

"Shouldn't I be driving?" he asked, voice soft.

He's been like this all day – even though this morning, the first one I've spent in his room, I woke up alone, his smell still lingered on the other side of the bed, and I inhaled it, unable to resist the urge. He waited for me at breakfast, and he smiled in a way I hadn't seen him smile before. Then he went to "work" for a while (his words, not mine), and afterward, when it was time to get ready and he had already put on his costume (it was basic, but even the basic things looked amazing on him), I was still not ready, and he patiently waited for me to put on my dress and do my makeup with that same smile on his face,

"Well, I don't know, aren't you going to drink?" I asked.

The corners of his lips twitched.

"First, it's a baby shower. I doubt there will be enough alcohol. Second, if I get drunk, who's going to watch over you?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need you to watch over me."

Nate smiled a little.

"We'll see about that."

I narrowed my eyes, "Is that a threat?"

He laughed but didn't say anything else.

We drove in silence, and I felt my palms get sweaty. The worst thing was that I couldn't wipe them off on my thighs. The dress was too precious.

"What's worrying you?" Nate asked.

I looked at him, "Nothing, it's just... I don't really know anything about your sister, and she probably knows nothing about me. I'll be a complete stranger there."

"Oh, she knows plenty of you."

I looked at him suspiciously, "Really? You told her about me?"

Nate smiled, "More than I'd like to admit. It's embarrassing, actually."

I couldn't help but stupidly smile back at him.

"Oh, so, you talk to your sister about me, huh?"

Nate's smile didn't waver, "Just don't mention it to anyone. I'd like to uphold my reputation as a tough and serious man."

I laughed. I still couldn't believe he allowed himself to relax enough with me and talk in that way, but I appreciated it nevertheless.

"Whatever you say, boss."

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