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"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. NOT when you're about to get in heat, little Omega."

I froze after hearing his words. My body shook feverishly, but he held me in place with his hand on my neck, keeping me close to him.

Heat. My heat. Of course. How have I not realized sooner? All the signs were there. Sweating, coldness, then hotness. Nausea and dizziness. Incoherent thoughts and inability to focus. Horniness towards one specific Alpha.

"Heat?" I whispered, my thoughts speeding through, but my ability to fully understand the situation I'm in completely gone.

Alpha looked down at me, his eyes dark and unreadable.

"Yes, you're in heat," he explained patiently. "Have you never had one?"

I swallowed hard, my legs all wobbly, and shook my head.

He leaned closer and breathed in my scent, seeming hypnotized by it. Then he withdrew a little and looked me up and down.

"Come, I'll help you get in the car," he said softly.

My eyes widened with fear even more. I started shaking my head, trying to remember what Mom taught me and Lexi to do in this kind of situation – when we got in heat but weren't prepared for it. I had to go home, get to her, or Dad for that matter, and they would help me out, give me pills or some other type of medicine to make it go away for a while, to ease the increasing pain...

"I... I need to go home..." I whispered, breathing heavily. "I need to find Mom, she'll help me..."

Now it was Alpha's turn to shake his head. He pulled me even closer and forced me to keep my eyes on him.

"No. I'll help you." He was using his Alpha voice that made my insides heat up even more and turned my thoughts into mush. "Why do you walk around the streets during your heat? Do you have any idea what some other Alpha would've done to you if they found you alone, aroused, and completely unattended?" he asked, his voice furious and tender at the same time.

I tried to swallow a lump in my throat, but my throat was too dry. Since Alpha's face started to fade a little, I closed my eyes. I thought about Kyle and what he would've done to me in this state if I hadn't run away from him, and that thought made me shiver.

Alpha looked me up and down.

"Are you hurt?" he asked gently, now touching my shoulders and arms, his cool touch leaving burning trails on my skin.

I shook my head.

"No, but I... I really need to get home..."

He started walking me to his car, and despite my words, there was no resistance in my steps, I just felt very weak.

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