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chapter thirteen: THE CONS OF BEING ALPHA

JACOBS KEPT HIS PROMISE and the next day there were already maybe five people in the house redoing my room – taking out furniture and building new ones, taking off wallpapers and putting them anew

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JACOBS KEPT HIS PROMISE and the next day there were already maybe five people in the house redoing my room – taking out furniture and building new ones, taking off wallpapers and putting them anew. In less than three days' time, my bedroom looked completely different than it did before. Now the walls were white, the bed frame was soft beige, and the dominating textures were wood and velvet – it looked exactly how I pictured it in my thoughts. My room looked amazing, and I was excited for the first time in weeks, but I tried not to show my excitement to Jacobs because I wanted him to think he didn't get to me, that there was no way he could make me feel better, no matter what he did.

Other than casually asking at dinner if I'm satisfied with all the changes, Jacobs didn't really bother me all that much. He'd spend most of his time in his office or, more frequently, out of the house doing gods know what. I also did my own thing – making sure everything in my room was in the right order, and all the skincare products I ordered were the exact ones I had at home. When that was finished, I spent most of my days outside since it was getting warmer and warmer. I even made a little garden of my own, right under the window to my bedroom and, with Martha's help, I think I really succeeded in that first gardening task. And most of those days outside besides gardening I spent, again, what a surprise, you guessed it – reading books, heading back inside, into the library once it got too cold to be out.

I really was bored out of my mind again. I've never felt so depressed in my entire life, quite the contrary, I always considered myself to be a pretty upbeat and outgoing person. But this life, the life Jacobs forced on me, was miserable, and boring for that matter. I felt like I was losing my mind and wanted to do nothing else but lay in bed. I wanted to slowly pass away to avoid Jacobs' presence – even if I couldn't see him, I could still feel he was near – and to avoid the shame of guilt, of knowing I could've avoided this pathetic life if only I were smarter.

It was the night like all the others that I was spending in the library since it was already past ten in the evening but I still wasn't tired enough to go to sleep, so I went there to read some more. I was laying on the sofa in front of a fireplace – the fire was barely simmering, but it was still keeping me warm though – when the door opened. I sat up, startled and surprised, as no one came in here other than me and Martha, but Martha always knocked. Then I heard someone's heavy steps, dragging through the ground. And then I saw who that someone was. It was Nate Jacobs. Of course, it was his house, he had all the right to come here whenever he wished. But it's the way he looked that surprised me – I've probably never seen him so disheveled, so not in control. Well, maybe during my heat when he was pretending to lose all control just so he could fuck me, but this was different.

His hair was tousled, his white shirt wrinkled and unbuttoned almost all the way, exposing his masculine tattoed chest, he was standing a little unsteadily on the ground as he walked and slouched my way, his eyelids seemed exhausted and half-closed. I still was used to keeping my distance away from him, scared he'd do something he had all the right to do and that would be unbearable to me. I had my legs stretched out all the way on that sofa, but as I noticed him walking towards me looking like chaos reincarnated, I instinctively pushed my knees up to my face, closed the book I was reading loudly, and stared at him with big eyes, not knowing what I should do next. Should I run away? It's a little too late for it now; he'd catch me. The only other option was to stay, even though I was terribly scared. I stayed.

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