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chapter three: FAMILY TIME

THE NEXT MORNING RUE AND  Jules did not show up at university, so I was left to deal on my own

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THE NEXT MORNING RUE AND Jules did not show up at university, so I was left to deal on my own. But that did not bother me all that much. I spent the whole in classes and studying in the library on breaks. It was a relatively productive Friday, and I had to admit that Nathaniel Jacobs did not cross my mind all that often, but he was still a problem – not only did I not stop dreaming about him at night, but he also corrupted my daydreams. He was already there, waiting, seducing, claiming, and not letting me go whenever I had a free moment, a moment with nothing useful to think about. But I tried to control myself, I tried my best not to let him in my head.

It seemed like two days ago, he planted an evil horny seed inside me that started sprouting as soon as he winked at me and wished me sweet dreams. But the gravest problem of all – in my dreams, whether they were daydreams or horny nightmares, he was not Nathaniel Jacobs, he was just Alpha, specifically my Alpha. And that was bad, very bad. I could tell such a thing to nobody, not even to Mom or Rue, it was just too embarrassing.

Lexi and Nia came here on Friday evening, right on time, as Dad and I finished making fancy dinner. Lexi's husband Andrew drove them both here, but he said he couldn't stay and would pick up his wife and daughter on Sunday evening. This was great because I didn't think Dad would be able to handle another Alpha in the house. Besides, he really wanted to spend some quality time with his oldest daughter since the last time she visited us was months ago.

Lexi looked even more beautiful and happy after giving birth than she was during pregnancy, and it was apparent motherhood changed her for good and allowed her to fully flourish as an Omega. My sister hugged Mom, then me, really tightly, but when it was Dad's turn to hug her, he held her close to himself and didn't want to let go for a few minutes. I thought I saw tears in his eyes, but when he moved away from Lexi, his eyes were bright and happy.

"Well don't you look stunning, sis," Lexi said to me when we finally sat down to eat. Nia was sleeping her second nap of the day in the living room, otherwise, I wouldn't let go of her.

I smiled, "Thanks, but you yourself look amazing."

Lexi put a strand of her dark-brown hair over her ear.

"I guess it's genes," she said.

"Perfect genes," Dad added.

"Still haven't found any fine gentleman worth your time, Cass?" Lexi asked me.

I blushed, feeling Mom's gaze carve through my skull. I was blushing again, three days in a row, and I couldn't believe it. I never blush.

"Absolutely not," I said. "There are other things on my head at the moment."

Lexi snorted, "Like what?"

I frowned and scrunched my nose.

"Once you became a mom, you also became insufferable, haven't you, Lexi?" I turned to Mom.

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