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I HAD PROBABLY SPENT TWENTY full hours in my room without going out once because I couldn't bear to get out and accidentally meet Jacobs again

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I HAD PROBABLY SPENT TWENTY full hours in my room without going out once because I couldn't bear to get out and accidentally meet Jacobs again. I couldn't bear to look at his face. I couldn't bear to smell his scent. I was so angry and so sad, and I felt so betrayed. So, there was only one way to show a man like that how I felt – pay him no attention and expect he'll eventually grow bored with me and my behavior.

Martha went into my room to bring me food three times – lunch, dinner, then breakfast, and I let her in. she didn't ask what had happened, she probably wasn't very interested, even though she saw my tears. During the period when I managed to sleep Jacobs had probably brought the damn marriage certificate into my room and put it on my bed stand for it to haunt me even in my dreams and also when I'm awake, but I did not let myself get even more stressed because of that.

No, as soon as I woke up and saw that document, I thought about throwing it in the trash but didn't dare to do it. Truth be told, I was actually a little scared to destroy such an important document Jacobs himself gave me, but, on the other hand, I thought throwing it away was pointless because he probably has a digital copy of this certificate and many physical copies at his side. So, I just put that piece of useless paper in the trash and decided to ignore it.

When the next day Martha came into my room and asked if I'll eat lunch in my room, I answered that I'll come downstairs myself. At first, I feared meeting Jacobs somewhere but when I didn't meet him for two days, I felt calmer and more confident in exploring the house myself. Even though in total silence I could hear things happening, voices speaking, Alphas coming in and out of  Jacobs' office in the right-wing downstairs, I somehow managed to avoid the notorious Alpha's presence for two whole days. And then I met him at dinner.

Martha had set the table in the dining room as she did only once. And there he was – sitting at the very end of that table, reading some documents in his one hand and eating his food, not sparing me a single glance as I came in and sat at his side. So I tried my best not to look his way either.

We ate in silence and then all of a sudden, he looked at me from the side of his eye – that look was expressionless – and asked:

"Did you sign the papers?"

Since he looked at me and even talked to me and I was so shocked by all of this that I didn't get the time or chance to turn my eyes away and looked right back at him.

"I did not. And I don't intend to sign them," I said as carelessly as I managed and continued eating.

"I see," was all he said before standing up and leaving for his office without saying another word.

I don't know why his stupid ridiculous question annoyed me so much that I could not continue eating in peace, the anger that was bubbling underneath me those two days was now practically buzzing on my skin. Was it because he asked me or because he unironically expected me to sign the marriage documents and become his wife?

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