A secret that I will never tell

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After years of hiding...and years of lying I feel like I can finally show myself, but is it worth it? After all the pain I've caused...They won't want me back.

20 years have passed

Nothing is like before, it's all so different. He's gone...

My heart shattered to pieces so did the cup of tea I was holding. All the warm liquid running down my leg leaving burning marks. Who am I? What have I done-


A scream echoed in the hallway. Repeating itself about 10 times before it slowly disappears. Now I stand by his grave, tears leaving my eyes before I choose to leave myself. They escape, just as I did. ''Oh, if I could just take it all back, my dear...''

I'll go to sleep, but will I wake up this time? Will there be a new world for me to walk on... will it all be worth it in the end?

I wonder to myself, I wonder if I will make the same mistake over again, will I hurt the same people another time?

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