Daco youre awake!

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The Next morning i were scared. What if Draco didn'T make it!?

I quickly got up and grabbed my clothes. I did my hair and ran downstairs to the hospital section. I walked over to Draco's bed, there he layed. He looked so weak

Hey Malfoy.

He was awake and i could see how weak and tired he was, but still he tried to talk.


Yes, im here..

W-what happened.

He slowly tried to turn around but he suddently groaned in pain.


Draco don't move.

I'll tell you what happened okay?

He nodded his head.

Well i found you in the bathroom on the floor covered in blood.


Yes, Harry did this to you.

W-wait i can remeber something.

What? what can you remeber?

Before my eyes closed i heard a voice telling me to stay...It said-

DRACO! Please don't leave me.

Draco please I need you

It was the most angelic voice i have ever heard, it was so calming and made me want to stay, but before i knew my eyes closed. He said as a small tear escaped his beutiful eyes.

Draco i-

Why are you even here? Why did you bring me here last night, while you should have left me

Draco! I-I was the voice you heard.

I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

He looked at me With his beautiful silver eyes and starred deep into my y/e/c eyes.

Draco's POV

I woke up in the hospital section not remembering what happened. All i saw was Madam Pomfrey.

Oh dear you are finally awake!

W-what happened to me? I asked her With a quiet voice.

Last bight Severus brang you in here, you were covered in blood!

I tried to get up to walk back to my dorm but she stopped me.

No no no no! You are still too weak, you have to stay here a litle longer.

I sat back Down starring out the window.

Stay here mr.Malfoy i will og get you some Food.

And then she dissapeared out the door. A litle later someone came in, i thought madam Pomfrey were back but it was y/n.

She came in and sat on the Chair besides my bed. I asked her what happened and she told me, i couldn't really remember That much but one thing stayed in my mind. It was this beautiful calming voise i heard yesterday. I told her about it and she said it was her, she was by me all the time? Why would she even care.

I starred into her y/e/c eyes for a while until i pulled her in for a hug, i really wanted to kiss her one more time but ofc she was still dating Digorry.

Guess i just have to wait then. Madam Pomfrey walked back into the room With loads of Food.

Oh hello miss. y/n lovely seeing you here.

Hello madam Pomfrey, i just came to visit Draco.

I see, well he is doing so much better now thanks to you.

When can he get out of here? She asked With her angelic voice.

Wery soon, Mr. Malfoy only needs to eat and then go to his dorm to rest.

Okay thank you. She smiled lightly at her as she held my hand.

I ate mostly of the Food Madam Pomfrey gave me.

Y/n could you please help Mr. Malfoy to his dorm?

Of course. She helped me up to my dorm.

How are you feeling?


Im gonna leave so you get some Peace. She tried to walk out but i grabbed her wrist and pulled her Down in my bed again. It wasn't the plan but i might have dragged her too hard. Now she was laying on top of me, we both started blushing.

I-im sorry. she said.

It's not Your fault, darling.

She tried to leave again.

Wait! Please stay..

Are you sure?


Okay she came back and sat down on my bed, i pulled her into a long hug, and it felt like we hugged forever.

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