Draco i have to tell you something...

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I pulled away from the hug with Draco and looked him in the eyes. I was finally calm enough to talk.

Draco i have something to tell you

Yes, princess?

I have a big secret to tell you...and i think right now is the time to tell you..

You can tell me, i won't tell anyone else i promise.


I looked down nervous i really wanted to tell him. I had kept it a secret for too long.

Draco when i tell you this please don't leave me..

Why would i ever leave you princess?

Because i-i

I couldn't get the words out, i just couldn't. I wanted to tell him so badly but the words just didn't get out.

Just take your time princess, i know it's hard...

I love you!

That was the only thing i got out before i panicked and ran back to my dorm. I left Draco there shocked.



Y/n told me that she loved me then ran off.

Wait? did she really feel the same way?! Did she really love me or was it just something she said. Was it a dare a joke or something like that..

I have wanted to hear her say that since the day i first met her. But why would such a girl as her like someone like me? A Malfoy, those rich evil purebloods.

I stood there in shock for a minute. Then i ran off to find her. I ran to the common room but she wasn't there, so i ran to the gryffindor common room. I hate gryffindors but i thought she would be there with Hermione or Harry, but she wasn't there eighter.

I Walked to her dorm knocking on her door.

Y/n are you there?

I got np answer, so i tried to open the door but it was locked.

Y/N! If you're in there please open! I just want to talk.

A minute passed and yet no answer, i just coudn't stand there thinking of what she could do.

What if she tried to do something?!

I don't even know why she ran. Did i do something again?

I went back to my dorm laying down on my bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Y/N's letters

I ran back to my dorm after i got panic. I sat down by my table and started writing a letter to Draco.

3. April

Dear Draco

About what i said earlier....

It wasn't what i was suppose to tell you, i just couldn't get the right words out.

It's true that i love you, i really do.

I have loved you for a long time now. I never thought i would fall for you, not as all the other girls.

As i said there was something else i was meaning to tell you, and i thought i was ready but i think i have

to wait a little bit longer.

I hope you are patient enough to wait.

And the day i tell you i hope you won't leave me..

Love y/n.


15. April

Dear Draco

Hello Draco how are you doing?

You haven't answered my letter and it's been some days now.

I just want to make sure you are okay.

I want you to know that i miss you, every day..

And i miss seeing you.

I know i haven't been in class for the past days, but im coming back tomorrow!

And i can't wait to see you again..

Im still sorry for running away from you and for avoiding you.

I don't know why! And right now i wish i could just change the past, it would be so much easier...I could

go back in time to stop myself from avoiding you

I'll see you tomorrow!

Love y/n...

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