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y/n's POV

Draco..I said as i pulled away from the hug.

What darling?

We have to go to class!

Which class?

Potion class With Professor Snape, we can't be late you know how mad he will be.

Okay, anything for you darling.

Oh and by the way please stop calling me darling, you know im still dating Cedric.

Ok, i Guess i'll have to wait till you aren't dating then

He let out a small smile. I knew That he had some feeling for me and how hurt he was seeing me With Cedric.

We walked to potion class together in the empty halls.


Draco's POV

Damn this girl is amazing i just want her to be mine. I can't wait till the day she breaks up With Cedric so i can have her.

She helped me walk to class, the halls were completly empty so i Guess we were a little late. We walked into potion class and sat Down in the empty seats back in the classroom.

You are late. Professor Snape said With his dark but somehow calming voice.

Y/n answered him while looking into his eyes.

Yes, we know professor but you know the reason.

He nodded and went back to teaching.

So class today we are going to learn about this stupid potions. Snape looked pretty annoyed, problaby because we wanted to teach in DADA not potions.

The class were pretty boring so i grabbed a pice of paper and made a paper bird out of it. I sent it to Potter.

He opened it and looked at me With a jealous face. He wasn't paying attention to class and Snape sooner noticed.

Mhm, so what did i just say Potter?

Potters face! His face was completly read of embrassment.

Umm.I don't know sir...

Well mabye you should pay attention to class.

Yes sir. Harry looked at me mad.


The paper bird

Potter stop starring at my girl!

I know That she's hot but she's mine, so keep Your eyes for yourself.

I think you have an admirer too.

Just look at the way professor Snape starres at you.


The hallways

Class was finally over so y/n walked out of the classroom and into the hallway.

When she saw Cedric and Cho? Cho nitced you and decided to try to get With Cedric.


Y/n. He said.

What the hell?!

Is something wrong?

Yes! Why are you standing there almost snogging With Cho?

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