It's not what it looks like!

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When i woke up the Next morning i og ready and walked Down to the hall. I sat Down With my gryffindor friends. Everybody were starring at me and i didn't quite understand why.

Hey guys. I said as I sat down. They all looked at me till Hermione started talking.

Everyobody on the table were quiet til Hermione started talking.

Is it true y/n?

Is what true?

You don't know?

Know what.

Well there's a rumor going around about you and Malfoy.


OK, so earlier before you came Cedric came up to us and asked us where you were. And he told us that he saw you making out With Malfoy at the astronomy Tower last night...

Everybody belives that you two are sleeping together now.

Omg i- it's not true at all.


When i walked into the great hall for breakfast everybody was starring on me, i couldn't understand why. I just sat Down With my gryiffindor friend and started talking. They all just looked at me in a confused way.

I asked then\m what was wrong and they told me about the rumor going around aout me and Draco. When i heard it i got kinda med, i could not understan why Cedric would og around saying that, so i went to find him. I walked thru the hallway when i fould him talking With his friends.

I quickly took his sleeve and dragged him With me to a spot where no on else was.

Seriously?! I said

Whats wrong darling?

Don't you think i know about Your stupid rumor?

I- Y/N please just listen to me.

Why did you do it, now the Whole School thinks im sleeping With Malfoy..

Im sprry baby i didn't mean it, i Guess i was just scared of loosing you.

Cedrc i..How would you know if i were at the astronnomy Tower last night?

Cedrcic's POV

I went outside to get some air when i walked past the astronomy Tower when i saw y/n and Draco together. It looked like they were making out, i could not just stand there watching anymore i ran back to my dorm crying.

The next day i got ready and walked Down to the great hall for breakfast. I couldn't see Draco or y/N anywere so i thought they slept together.

I walked up to the golden trio and talked so loud that evryone could hear me.

Where's y/n?

Idk sorry. Hermione said.

I think she is still sleeping.

Oh? Do you mean With Malfoy?

Hermione gasped as she looked at me.


Yea, i saw her and Malfoy making out last night.

And then after all the People in the great hall heard the rumors spread.

I talked With my friends when y/n came over to me and dragged me With her, she took me to a quiet and lonely Place in the hallway.

She talked to me about the rumors and sounded pretty angry and sad, i apologized to her and tried to talk more but before i could she kissed me and the kiss sooner turned into a make out.

Draco's POV

I woke up and got ready for breakfast, when i walked into the common room and saw Blaise.

Hey, man how was last night With y/n?

What are you talking about Blaise?

What do you mean, everyobody knows now.

Knows what Blaise?

That you too made ou in the Tower yesterday!

WHAT?! Who said that?? I never made out With her.

I walked out of the room to find y/n i had to talk to her about what happened. That's when i walked to a quiet spot in the hallway. It was empty or so i thought, i saw Cedric and y/n making out. I just couldn't stand there watching them so i ran, i ran to the bathroom With tears filling my eyes.

Sorry if this part is bad, the firts one of this part got deleted somehow. Like right after i made it so i had to make it again.

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