Malfoy Mannor

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We arrived to the Malfoy Mannor, holding hands. It was cold outside and I looked around the place seeing the garden. And then the Mannor spotted my eyes, it was huge! And so beautiful... It was bigger than the Riddle mannor. Wow...  Draco looked over at me with a smile. You like it princess? I turned my head and looked over at him. Are you kidding? Of course I do. This place is so beautiful.... We both just stood there admiring the Mannor not noticing Narcissa in the window watching us. Draco just stood there looking so innocent with his read cheeks. The coldness outside made his cheeks glow red and the same about his nose. I stopped looking at him and kissed his cheek carefully. He turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. What? I said as I tried to figure out what he was smirking at. Then without hesitatin he picked me up and got ready to throw me in the snow. But someone opened the door and he got scared and slipped. He slipped onthe ground while holding me, so I fell too landing on top of him. We both started laughing a little then he went for it and kissed me, forgetting about the person opening the door.

While we were laying there on the ground. Me on top of him his mother Narcissa Malfoy walked up to us. Well hello there! We both started blushing of the thought that his mother saw us. I quckly got up and brushed the snow off me. Hello Ms. Malfoy, im sorry about that Draco slipped and dragged me with him down... I let out a little giggle, while Draco got up from the ground and brushed the snow off him too. Mother, sorry for not telling you that I was coming. She just smiled at him. It's okay Draco, your father is waiting inside if you want to see him. He nodded slowly not really wanting to see Lucius. She looked over at me again. You must be Y/n Riddle? Y-yes that's me... She put her hand on my shoulder. It's a pleasure to finally meet you darling. I have heard so much about you and most of it from Draco. She looked over at Draco, he was standing there blushing a little out of embrassment. Mom! She laughed it off. Well should we go inside? I followed Draco and Narcissa inside of the big mannor. It was even bigger on the inside.

It was pretty dark in there but it was still beatiful. I looked around at everything. It is really pretty here Ms. Malfoy. She was smiling like it was her job. Thank you. And you can just call me Narcissa darling. I nodded and we kept on walking until we reached a room. It was quiet and dark in there, but it wasn't empty. Narcissa walked inside and stated talking. Lucius darling Draco and Y/n is here... I heard some books getting closed inside of the room. Bring them in please.... I heard a dark calming voice coming from inside of the room. Narcissa came walking back to us nodding for us to go inside. I held Draco's hand while walking in, it was kind of scary walking in there not knowing what you would find. But I found out sooner. It was bigger then I thought it was. It was big shelves full of books in there. And big window's with curtains covering them. And in the middle of the room it was a desk. Behind the desk Lucius were sitting looking at us coming closer.

Hello you must be Ms. Riddle. He got up from his desk walking toward us. Yes sir, that would be me... He reached out his hand for me to shake it. I shook his hand and looked at Draco. Welcome miss. Riddle, I really hope you will like the stay here. I hope this will be a winter break you won't ever forget. I just smiled and nodded at him just wanting to turn around and run tf away. Draco gripped my hand to calm me down, he could tell I was scared and umocomfterble. Father we are gonna go pack out now...we will see you at dinner. Draco and I turned around and started walking out the room. I felt like I felt back at the ground from flying, but I was never flying. I guess it was a just a feeling of relief.

Draco and I walked up to his room, he opened his room and I looked inside it was huge! Wow Draco, your room is amazing... He looked over at me and smiled. Thank you princess... We walked in and he started unpacking his stuff. I sat down on his bed watching him and letting a small giggle escape my mouth. What's so funny? He turned and looked over at me. Huh? Oh nothing... While rasing his eyebrow he just stood there woundering. Ok then, if you wanna play that game. He walked over to me and picked me up from the bed, then he put me over his shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh. Draco PUT ME DOWN!

He put me down on the bed and climbed over me. We both were laughing little. I looke d at his beautiful silver eyes. Draco i'm so lucky to have you. He smirked a little before he bent down and kissed me. We were both laying there on his bed making out not hearing the knock on the door. Suddently Lucius stormed into the room seeing us two together. I was laying on the bed with Draco on top of me. As soon as we noticed him Draco got off me and sat down on the bed embrassed. Draco.... Lucius said in a quiet voice, he didn't sound dissapointed somehow. Yes father Draco jumped off the bed and started walking towards Lucius. Your mother need you, Draco.... Draco and Lucius slowly walked out of the room. I'll be back soon y/n. I wawed at him and saw them both dissapear out the door.


Yes mother you wanted to see me... Mother slowly turned sround to face me, the first thing I saw on her face was a big smile. glad you came! She pulled me into a hug. Please sit down darling... I sat down in the sofa woundering what she wanted. SoOo Draco I see that you really like this girl~ I started blushing a little but I quickly hid my face trying not to show it. What was her name again? Oh yeah Y/n wasn't it?? She was trying to tease me a little, typical mothers. Is that the reason you called me down here mother? She sighed and looked down in her hands. No Draco...Sadly not, I have some other news.. She looked sad, and tears started filling her eyes. Im so sorry darling.. She was legit crying at this point. I walked over to her. But what would she be sorry for? 

What is it mother? Why are you sorry... She took out a pce of paper from her pocked and wiped the tears away. Your father has decided t-that.... She couldn't finish her sentence because she cried to much. It made me kinda annoyed honestly. I just wanted her to finish the sentence I wanted to know what they had planned for me. WHAT DID HE DO!? I realized I shouted at my mother. Sorry mother...I just want to know.. She wiped more of the tears away and looked at me. Draco your father has decided that you and Pansy Parkingson are getting married...  My eyes shut open. There was no way I was going to marry her!?

WHAT?! IM NOT MARRYING PANSY!! I FUCKING HATE HER! Tears started filling up my eyes. I..I know Draco, I don't want this eigther.. I looked down in the ground trying to hide my tears but they just started streaming down my face. Then why are you doing this mother..? She cupped my face with her small hands. Your father thinks it's best for the family..he thinks about the money...  I shook my head and let the tears strem down. B-but isn't y/n good enough for him....? Oh Draco.. She pulled me into another one of her warm hugs. Of course she is! But there is a reason why you can't marry her.. I looked up at her face with anger. What did they keep hiding from me? And why haden't they told me...

Hey people! This will follow in the next chapter. Hvave a nice day :)

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