Winter break

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It was finally winter! I woke up and got out of bed to get dressed. I got dressed into some warm clothes, and looked out the window. It was snowing! I stood there admiring the snow when I rememebered it was winter break and I was going home. I opened the door to my dorm and walked to Draco's. I sligthly knocked on the door. Draco? someone opened the door, and the first thing I saw was a shirtless Draco.

Yes princess? I liked when he called me that, it made me feel so loved and like a princess. Come on Draco, let's go outside! He looked at me confused. Why do you want to go outside so much? God you should have seen his face, he acted so confused. Didn't he know it wad snowing outside?? It's snowing outside! I was so excited that I almoast jumped into his arms. I loved snow, winter was really my favorite season of the year. COME ON DRACO!!! Just put on a shirt or something! I want to go outside to the snow!

He had one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, then he kissed me. God you talk to much y/n. Haha. I said and play punched his arm. He took on a sweater and held my hand as we headed outside. Wow! I looked around the place, it was so beautiful. And the whole castle was covered in white snow.

Come Draco. I dragged him out on the white ground. Isn't it beautiful...? He didn't look around the place but on me. You are absolutely stunning. He picked me up spinned me around and threw me into the snow,while he was standing there laughing he didn't notice professor Snape behind him.

Having fun with the daughter of the dark lord I see Mr. Malfoy.... He quckly turned around facing a dissapointed Snape. Professor.... He looked down at his hands feeling ashamed. That's all he said before he turned around and walked away. I got up and walked over to Dracoputting my arm on his shoulder. Draco are you alright? He sighted and answered me with a quiet tone. Yeah im fine...

Then we walked to the great hall where Dumbledore was talking. Hello students! Thank you all for coming here. As you all know it's winter break today, and the train is waiting for you outside. Have a good break, we can't wait to see you all again.

I walked with Draco to my dorm. When we reached my dorm he stopped, and just stared at the wall. Are you okay Draco. I took his hand and held it tight. He looked up at me. Yeah im fine...It's just that im excited to go home that's all... He walked to his dorm and got his stuff while I got mine. The train was there and all the students walked onto it.

Draco and I walked to a empty carriage and sat down. I put my headon his shoulder and left it there to rest. Draco? I said while looking out the window. Yes princess? He was just sitting there looking out. Do you want to come iwth me home for the week...? I hoped for him to say yes, but I couldn't force him. I would love to! But what would your father think.... He let out a sight and shook his head. Oh I don't think my father would mind...

Are you sure? He looked down at his hands. Well yes..Besides he's fine with you so i guess so. I got up from laying on his shoulder. Looking outside the window thinking of my mother. God I missed her! Why did she have to leave me..? She was the only one to truly love me....Until I met Draco... What is wrong? He started stroking my hair. Uhh nothing Draco..I nned some air, I'll come right back. I got up from my seat and left the carriage. I slowly ran to the open balcony that was on the train. I held hard onto the railing and let a few tears escape my eyes. Someone was coming and I quickly wiped them away. I turned around to see Harry standing there. What do you want Potter...

I- am I not allowed to come out here for some fresh air? I didn't say that..I was just wondering why you came here to bother me.. I looked around me and breathed the cold fresh air in. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying, and it seemed like Potter noticed. Hey what's wrong? I looked away in anger. My life was none of his buisness! Nothing Potter why don't you just go back to your mudblood friends?! He rolled his eyes. First of all they are not mudbloods. Second I was just asking if you were okay. I felt my hands curl together to fists, I wanted to puch Potter so fucking bad right now. He only became more and more annoying, and I slammed my fist straight into his face hearing his bones break. And that weak little boy fel to the ground holding onto his nose, th blood was running down his face.

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